It’s just two days before the most important election of our lives so far, an election that could give us a fighting chance to save the climate and our nation’s core democratic values. We want to thank many 350 Humboldt members for their work in getting out the vote. The flip side of getting out the vote is making sure those votes are counted — something we used to take for granted, but may be in question this year.
That’s why 350 Humboldt is inviting you to join an event on Wednesday, November 4. Our partners People’s Strike Humboldt, Cooperation Humboldt, North Coast People’s Alliance, Centro del Pueblo, Humboldt-Del Norte Central Labor Council, and Humboldt County Democrats are planning a Car/Bike/Skate Caravan, followed by a “Protect the Results” Rally at the Humboldt County Courthouse. We hope you’ll join us!
Caravan participants can meet at 4:15 PM at Eureka High School, 1915 J St., to leave at 4:30 followed by a brief stop at the Labor Temple at 840 E St. If you can bring canned food for those having a harder time these days, donations will be accepted there. Everyone will meet at the Courthouse at 5 PM for the rally.
The message is that we reject attempts to undermine the election, including any attempts to intimidate voters, nullify legitimate votes, close polling sites, or other forms of election fraud. And we can still make this a celebration of our work, and perhaps of our victory!
All participants must strictly follow the organizers’ safety instructions:
1) Wear a face mask at all times; 2) Practice spacious solidarity — keep a safe, social distance; 3) Bring sanitizer if possible. And be sure to drive/bike/skate safely in the caravan.
If you use Facebook, please mark yourself as “going” and share this event on your own page.
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Usually we highlight climate news items in this email. Today we’ll only mention one, the EcoNews Report from October 17. EPIC’s Tom Wheeler, CRTP’s Colin Fiske, and 350 Humboldt’s Katy Gurin present a fascinating discussion of what a local Green New Deal might look like, as well as the limits it would face without broader action.
Many dedicated volunteers were involved in the months-long process of boosting the vote. You can see some of their photos at our Facebook page. Thanks to all who helped in this vital effort!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Pat Carr for 350 Humboldt