It has been 4 years since Gloria Capitan, a community organizer and anti-coal activist from Barangay Lucanin in Mariveles, Bataan, was cowardly silenced by still unidentified gunmen in her own home. She led the local opposition of a coal plant and storage facility in her town as one of the leaders of the Coal-Free Bataan Movement and as president of United Citizens of Lucanin Association (Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin).
Gloria has given her life for the cause of building a fossil-free future. We remember her today through the art and prose of people who, like her, believe that the struggle for climate justice is one that requires not only reducing emissions, but also building a future that enables communities like hers to thrive amidst a warming climate.
We also remember how Gloria was killed the day after Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as president of the Philippines. While he was voted into power by promising Filipinos that change is coming, four years on Gloria would be followed by thousands more who have met violent deaths spurred on by a culture of impunity and a brazen disregard for human rights.
Words & drawing by Denise Tolentino
Gloria Capitan could not
keep her roadside canteen clean
because toxic coal dust
just kept coming in.
She was ordered to close it down
by the local sanitation department.
But the coal plant nearby, it stayed open.
Coal dust wilted her mango and coconut trees.
Her grandkids suffered asthma and skin allergies.
Farms were destroyed, tuberculosis spiked
her community was suffering,
their coastline turned into a waste bin.
With 30 of her neighbors she formed an advocacy group
and asked for living conditions that were fair.
This led to a city ruling: companies
must cover their coal stockpiles
to reduce harmful coal dust in the air.
Harassment and death threats
soon followed this grandmother of 18.
Coal plants multiplied and expanded
but Gloria also adapted, turning her canteen
into a karaoke bar
for a less strict health certification.
And Gloria, she rallied on.
One night, while with her grandson
singing a pop song together
Two men walked in, one grabbed her shoulder
They shot her thrice: 2 to the neck and 1 in the arm.
Gloria did not survive.
Punished for being outspoken.
Her community heartbroken.
And the coal plants, they stay open.
Chuck Baclagon, of shares the story of Gloria Capitan on MUNI on This podcast episode “Courage Under Terror”, which explores how the anti-terror bill could potentially affect our freedoms, and in particular, of those who fight to protect our environment. The Philippines is one of the most deadly places to be an environmental activist, and there have been 113 reporting killings of environmental defenders since President Duterte assumed office. With the anti-terror bill, these defenders face potentially greater dangers in being labeled or tagged as terrorists.
Gloria Capitan is among the women featured in the Alas ng Bayan exhibit a collaborative project organized by the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, the Constantino Foundation, and Pilipinas, to raise awareness about the intersections between women, history, memory, climate change, and citizenship.
The exhibit consists of five paintings depicting individually the heroes Gregoria “Oriang” de Jesus, Apolonia Catra, Remedios “Kumander Liwayway” Gomez-Paraiso, Lorena Barros, and Gloria Capitan painted by artist and 350 Pilipinas volunteer, John Erhard Guarin.
Coal-Free Bataan Movement celebrated a Mass to commemorate Gloria’s life and struggle. Photo: Derek Cabe
By Derek Cabe
On the very same day, July 1, 2016, President Duterte was sworn in as the nation’s first president from Mindanao. He won with a promise to Filipinos that change is coming. It turned out that Ate Gloria was only the first victim, and the number of deaths are still climbing. Her death was not just a coincidence but the beginning of an administration’s policy (declared or not) on extrajudicial killings.
By Val De Guzman
If this is a message to silence other anti-coal activist like her, then they are mistaken.
Because on the ground where Ate Glo’s body fell, where the blood from her body flows more anti-coal activists will sprout. Instead of silencing us, it will only strengthen our convictions, that the evil menace of coal must end. And we will persevere in this fight and see to it that our children and the children of our children will be free from it.