By Chuck Baclagon

As a planet, we’ve faced a year-long onslaught of devastating political and climate crises impacting millions. 2018 was a year of ill-conceived trade wars, worsening famine, widespread wildfires, typhoons and a scary rise of oppressive regimes all around the world. And yet throughout 2018, we also witnessed a seismic resurgence of local, popular resistance.

For us in the Philippines this means building momentum in amplifying the work and plight of our fellow Filipinos in the frontlines.

From the solar insurgency led by the church in Atimonan, Quezon against MGen’s proposed coal plant in their community; to bearing witness to the adverse impacts to the health and ecosystem of San Miguel’s  coal plant in Limay, Bataan; and to lifting the voices of our fellow Filipinos to the world leaders that met in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit – we are showing that climate action is rising from the bottom up, and people are uniting to create the solutions that will ensure a better future for all.

We are now beginning a new chapter in our fight for a fossil-free world.

And as we look forward to this year and its challenges, let’s also look back at 2018 in celebration of the resistance and perseverance to struggle for a just and sustainable society.

Join us as we revisit the work that we were able to accomplish in 2018 to find inspiration in the bigger battles that we will face this year.
