Chuck Baclagon
Christians observe Good Friday today as part of celebrating the Lent and taking the time for reflection
For climate justice activists, Lent is rooted in the idea that our actions have an impact on others, and that we have a responsibility to care for our planet and for all of its inhabitants, an important dimension that has been overlooked by many.
A lot of us remember Lent by celebrating the life of a person who lived in a way that nurtured healing, shared meals, equality, human connection without discrimination, prioritized the needs of the poor and suffered a wretched death on a cross erected by the Roman Empire.
Today, many still suffer under the crosses of empires and rulers who seek absolute power for a selected few at the expense of people and the planet. As these empires and rulers perpetrated societal injustices to communities and exploited for their resources.
We remember today those who carried the cross, who uphold our rights for freedom and justice. We stand with those who dedicated their lives to a greater purpose.
The cross opposes the world’s values and principles, challenging us to change our perspective on relationships with the natural world and others. It offers a life that opposes the death caused by exploiting the world’s resources for personal gain.
Today, we honor the memory of martyrs whose lives were cut short by the oppression of regimes of recent memory: Chad Booc, Gloria Capitan, Zara Alvarez, Kevin Castro, Victor Danyan , and countless others who lost their lives fighting against oppression.
Good Friday is a necessary step towards Easter. It helps us understand setbacks, such as losing friends and comrades. The blood of martyrs can spark movements for life, even in the face of the planet’s slow death. Although losing lives can be difficult, we know our efforts won’t be wasted.
Eventually, renewal will come.