July 3, 2020

On the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Bill

Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law today the Anti-Terrorism Act, in spite of widespread opposition particularly for its provisions that equate criticism and activism to terrorism — ultimately undermining the peoples’ right to political expression and dissent.

In response, Chuck Baclagon of 350.org Pilipinas issued the following statement:

The government has yet to reasonably and urgently act on COVID-19. Yet on the day the Philippines records 40,000 positive cases, Duterte has chosen to respond by signing the Anti-Terrorism Bill into law. His regime has chosen to take extreme measures — not to address the pandemic and its devastating impacts, but to quell dissent and further strike fear among its people.

We continue to stand against policies that infringe on our fundamental rights supposedly guaranteed under the constitution.

We stand with our fellow enraged Filipinos calling for the repeal of this draconian anti-terror law. We remain steadfast in our commitment to serve the people and our planet, in spite of the dangers it poses.
