Two days ago, September 20, the Global Climate Strike begun. It will continue until September 27, 2019. This is happening alongside the celebration of the Year of the Youth declared by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) with the theme “Filipino Youth in Mission: Beloved, Gifted, Empowered.”
It is in this call that the Young Bataeños for Environmental Advocacy Network (YoungBEAN) organize a sit down protest in front of the San Miguel Consolidated Global Power Coal Plant on Sunday, September 22.
Wearing face make-up and holding shields, members of YoungBEAN call on San Miguel and the government to stop destroying the environment. “The environment is our future. It is our life.” lamented Jhewoung Capatoy, coordinator for YoungBEAN.
“It is the duty of everyone, especially the youth who will inherit the future, to protect and defend the environment. We need to make a stand and struggle because preserving our environment means preparing for our future.” said Capatoy.
In many parts of the world, the youth and students are leading marches and protests calling the government and corporations to stop destroying the environment and calling for accountability for the continuous damage done to our planet. In 2018, hundreds of thousands joined the Climate March in 90 different countries. Most of them are young people. This year, organizers of the Global Climate Strike are expecting that an increasing number of people will warmly heed the call for the defense of the environment.
“Like the theme of the Year of the Youth, young people must be empowered. An empowered youth is convinced that they need to act and do something for the planet. We must listen to Mother Earth’s call for help. We must protect and defend her,” Capatoy continued.
“We will protect mother Earth until the governments and fossil fuel corporations across the globe take responsibility and accountability for this climate crisis. This is for the future generations to come. We will not stop.” Capatoy ended.##