Explore the role of gender justice in our common pursuit for a sustainable, just and equitable world.
Commuters, pedestrians, and cyclists: Leading the way to a better normal
By: Celine Tabinga We need to make our streets more inclusive. The best way to achieve this is to focus on commuters, especially women who are more exposed to street harassment. By understanding where women don’t feel safe, we can identify barriers and use that information to make corrective measures.
By: Mitzi Jonelle Tan Our calls for climate justice and for the protection of the environment are real and legitimate and should be listened to and valued and not reduced to mere tools. The climate crisis is real and it is here. It disproportionately impacts women.
My body, my choice, our future: thoughts and reflections on reproductive rights and climate justice
By: Shiphrah Belonguel Everyone has the right to decide if, when, and how to have children. So yes, we support people’s decision to have children as well as people’s decision not to have children, and we work to make sure that people are able to make such decisions free from coercion and in an informed way.
By: Joanne Lim We should not lose sight of the fact that, in its first celebration, women did not only carry issues particular to them but even those that affect society at large. We should not only fight for the environment. We must also fight against gender oppression and other forms of oppression. By coordinating these fights, we are able to mutually support each other.
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