Divest from fossil fuels!!!


Updates – Page 2

Vigil for Ukraine, Montclair, NJ – March 6th, 2022

350NJ-Rockland supporters participated in a vigil sponsored by NJ Peace Action in Montclair to stop the war against Ukraine. Many passing cars honked in support. Fossil fuel reserves are often located in non-democratic countries such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela…etc. …


Climate Action Now Rally, Montclair, NJ – November 6th, 2021

Ted Glick, 350NJ-Rocklant President spoke at the Climate Action Now rally in Montclair, NJ on November 6th, 2021, during COP26, the United Nation’s Climate Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

Later in the event 350NJ-Rockland Steering Group Member, Jane Califf joined Ted …


Annual Labor Day Celebration, Newark, NJ – September 10th, 2021

350NJ-Rockland members and supporters sang with the Solidarity Singers at the Annual Labor Day Celebration in Newark, NJ on September 10th, 2021.

Members of the New Jersey State Industrial Union Council were also participating in the celebration.

The event was …


Annual Labor Day Parade, Haledon, NJ – September 5th, 2021

On September 5th, 2021, 350NJ-Rockland supporters and the Solidarity Singers sang labor songs on a float at the Annual Labor Day Parade in Haledon, NJ.

It was co-sponsored by the American Labor Museum/Botto House (a national landmark) and the Borough …


March On For Voting Rights, Washington D.C. – August 28, 2021

Thousands of people gathered in Washington D.C. on August 28, 2021 to protest voter suppression laws being passed in states across the country that will particularly affect voters of color and young voters in Republican-led states. Sister marches took place …
