350NJ-R is an active participant in the Divest NY Coalition.  Divest NY got New York City to commit to divestment in 2018 and New York State to commit to divestment in December, 2020.  These are major achievements for the divestment movement. The NY State divestment was achieved when Comptroller Tom DiNapoli announced his plan to divest from the riskiest fossil fuel stocks by 2025 and to decarbonize the entire NY Common Retirement Fund by 2040.  Both these commitments are the most ambitious of any state in the country, and they further establish DiNapoli as a climate hero.
The coalition is now focused on getting the New York State Teachers Retirement System, valued at $120 billion, to divest, and getting New York State to divest roughly $40 billion in non-retirement portfolios it controls.  You can support this work by signing this petition (click here) or by emailing us at ([email protected] and [email protected]) to say you’d like to join the coalition, individuals and groups both welcome!



Divest from fossil fuels!!!
