The Legislature is in the final stage of considering bills. The process, especially in the Appropriations Committees is very concerning. Nonetheless a surprising number of climate bills have gotten through to be voted up or down on the Senate and Assembly floor.
350 Humboldt has teamed up with several other climate organizations to make it really easy for constituents around the state to email their support for high priority bills. You can find this tool and the list of high priority bills HERE.
The link for writing your legislators is for transportation-related bills. But we urge you to write Jim Wood and Mike McGuire individually for the other high priority bills listed.
We also urge you to consider asking Assembly Member Jim Wood and Senator Mike McGuire to support these other bills that 350 supports and has been following. You can pick and choose from the high priority list HERE or the ones below. Here are the website addresses where you can send emails to our legislators if you life in District 2. If you live elsewhere, check the web for contact information on your legislators.
Asm. Jim Wood:
Sen. Mike McGuire: [email protected]
Thanks for helping get the changes we need to avoid climate catastrophe. As Bill McKibben says “winning slowly is the same as losing.”
· AB 1322 (Rivas) Sustainable aviation fuel planning
· AB 1897 (Wicks) Fines on refineries increased
· AB 2316 (Ward) Provides community solar energy to renters and low-income residents. Makes our energy grid more reliable, resilient, and clean while improving air quality. Saves people money on their energy bills.
· AB 2438 (Friedman) Transportation planning must accord with climate planning
· SB 1075 (Skinner) Green hydrogen hubs.
· SB 1078 (Allen) Sea Level Rise Revolving Loan Pilot Program
· SB 1255 Single-use products waste reduction: Dishwasher Grant Program for Waste Reduction in K–12 Schools and Community Colleges
· SB 1078 Sea Level Rise Revolving Loan Pilot Program
· SB 1255 Single-use products waste reduction: Dishwasher Grant Program for Waste Reduction in K–12 Schools and Community Colleges
· OPPOSE: SB 1109 (Caballaro): Increases the amount of biomass required by PUC to be consumed by an energy facility. We don’t believe any biomass should be burned for energy. Although classed by the state as a renewable, emissions are as dirty as coal, inefficient and cause warming at this crucial times.
OHM-Connect is a “virtual power plant.” We can avoid burning fossil fuels for power either by adding renewables or cutting demand. OHM-Connect tells its members about times when the power demands will be very high and gas-fired peaker plants will have to be brought on line unless demand can be reduced. As OHM-Connect members we try to reduce power use as much as possible during the one or two hours a week we are notified.
For the month of August, 350 Humboldt will earn $40 for each person on our mailing list that signs up and starts saving energy. As an OHM-Connect member you will receive $10 for signing up and saving energy in California. The benefits don’t end there, though. You get credits that can be converted to products or cash for every hour you save power; the more you save the more money you earn. It’s a simple way for all of us to cut greenhouse gas emissions (and get paid for it).
Since 350 Humboldt can’t have an organizational account we are using mine for this offer, but the bonus payment all goes to 350. To sign up just go to: If you have any questions or problems you can email [email protected] or call me directly at 707-677-3359.
Thank you,
Dan Chandler, Steering Committee and Legislative Committee Chair