Please remember to attend the North McKay Ranch subdivision public hearing at the Board of Supervisors: 1:30 PM on Tuesday the 22nd of March. The message is simple: The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) determined there would be significant   greenhouse gas and fire hazard consequences, so the project should not go forward.

Here is how to make oral or written comments:

Email Public Comment:
To submit public comment to the Board please email [email protected], provide your name and the agenda item number(s) on which you wish to comment. All public comment submitted after the agenda has been published will be included with the administrative record after the fact.

Zoom Public Comment:
When the Board of Supervisors announce the agenda item that you wish to comment on, call the conference line 720 707 2699, enter Meeting ID 867 9922 7461 and press star (*) 9 on your phone, this will raise your hand. You’ll continue to hear the Board meeting on the call.


When it is time for public comment on the item you wish to speak on, you’ll hear a prompt that will indicate your phone is unmuted. Please state your name and the agenda item number you will be commenting on. You will have 3 minutes to comment.

You may access the live stream of the meeting by using the following link:



Write letters and sign petitions on your own or join the 350 Humboldt “chat and write” letter-writing group Sunday evenings at 7pm. Here is the zoom link:

A.    Here are some petitions to sign and letters to write. It won’t take more than a few minutes and every action we take counts in the climate crisis. Below the petitions are opportunities to write postcards to voters in important elections.

UN Secretary General, António Guterres:

Petition for immediate ceasefire around the world in the face of the Covid pandemic:

Right now, the Senate Labor, Public Employee and Retirement, and Judiciary committees are discussing SB 1173 – the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act. This bill would require CalPERS and CalSTRS to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel companies within 5 years and report annually on their progress.

Will you send an email to California legislators demanding that they vote YES to divest?

[email protected]

“I can’t overstress how devastating a spill in the watershed would be,” says Naomi Tillison, Director of the Bad River Mashkiiziibii Natural Resources Department. “The Bad River hatchery is the largest producer of walleye fingerlings in Lake Superior. If the waters that our hatcheries and wild rice beds rely on were contaminated with oil, not only would our supply of food, water and medicines be depleted, our coastal wetlands would be devastated and all of the businesses and people in the region who depend on our fisheries would suffer.”

Built 69 years ago, Line 5 has been operating illegally for nine years at the Bad River Reservation. Enbridge permits expired in 2013, and the Bad River Tribe denied Enbridge’s request to renew in 2017, due to the increasing risk of catastrophic spills at multiple sites. The Bad River Tribe repeatedly called for Enbridge to leave the watershed, but instead Enbridge has proposed to route the pipeline through all of the Bad River’s major tributaries.

Submit your one-click comment today to both agencies.

Sierra Club

Vanguard holds major influence in the financial world as the world’s second largest asset manager and one of the biggest shareholders of nearly every public company on the planet. But we need to act now before these massive investors start casting hugely important votes for climate action at the annual shareholder meetings of big banks and corporate polluters this spring.

Tell Vanguard CEO Tim Buckley: Do your duty and help to stop the climate crisis now.

Stop the Money Pipeline

Economists believe the climate crisis could cause the next financial crisis ― meaning investors need to act now, not only to prevent catastrophic climate change, but to prevent a major financial crash like the one that caused so much pain in 2008.

We need serious climate action from asset managers, and FixMyFunds is helping us wield our collective power as investors (or potential investors!) to demand the investments we need to tackle the climate crisis.

Sign the petition now: it’s time to stop fueling the climate crisis and start providing sustainable investment funds for investors.

Stop Oil Profiteering

Tell President Biden: Declare a climate emergency, and prevent the fossil fuel industry from profiteering off this war. Go to or call 1-202-456-1111.

Sample statement to the President:

Please declare a climate emergency and prevent the fossil fuel industry from profiteering from the horrific war in Ukraine! This war shows us how dangerous it is to rely on oil and gas controlled by tyrants like Putin. Now is the time for us to switch to renewable energy, so that we can both cripple Russia’s ability to wage war and solve the climate crisis!

Tell your Representatives: Stop Oil Profiteering! (Find yours here)

Sample statement to your Congressperson:

Fossil Fuel companies are fueling war and climate change – and using this opportunity to rake in record profits. Pass a windfall profits tax now and return the proceeds to those struggling to pay for high prices at the pump.

Sierra Club
Tell BLM you support protecting the Greater Chaco Landscape from oil and gas leasing and that Tribal Nations should play a critical role in determining the future of their sacred lands.




There are some new postcard writing and letter writing opportunities. Check them out.

Here is a new advance in targeting letters to where they make most difference. If you write to voters, please take a look.

The redistricting process has changed district lines across the country for this year’s midterm elections. As maps are finalized or congressional districts become more competitive, we’ll add letter writing campaigns to reach those voters–our first congressional district-level campaigns are already live!

If you’re unsure about which state or district to write letters to this year, you can use Swing Left’s new tool to help find your nearest competitive Swing District!

Check out the following email for more details, and head to to get started.

— The Vote Forward Team

Postcards to Swing States: New Campaign this week

Our first postcard program of 2022 is finally here! We need your help to highlight what Democrats have delivered.

Sign up now to write postcards to rally Democrats to vote in states with key Senate races in November: Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and New Hampshire.

For this program, volunteers need to provide their own postcards and stamps. Mail the postcards no later than May 31. We’ll email you a list of voters and instructions, which will include the message to write. We’ll recommend a place to buy postcards, including the design below, but you can use any generic postcards or buy them from any source. If you’re ordering a large quantity, consider using a local union printer.

I’ll write postcards!
Help us make sure voters hear what Democrats have delivered under President Biden’s leadership. We can expand the Senate majority so that President Biden is able to pass his full agenda. But it’s not going to happen without your help!
— Postcards to Swing States Team


Our next postcarding campaign will be to Colorado voters ahead of their June 28th state primary!

We’ll be sending postcards to environmental voters who voted in the 2020 General Election, but are unlikely to vote in midterm elections based on their previous voting history. We expect to begin mailing out packages of postcards to signed-up volunteers beginning in late March, and the required “mail-to-voters” date for this round of postcards is on Monday, June 6th.

This sign up form is only for trained EVP postcarding volunteers. New postcarding volunteers should sign up for an orientation below.

If you have not already attended an EVP postcard training, please sign up for one of the 45 minute trainings below. We use very specific designs and messaging that are optimized to increase turnout, so we require all our postcarding volunteers to receive an EVP training before sending postcards.


Feb. 18 Today, we’re thrilled to announce: It’s time to get started. Vote Forward’s first 2022 letter writing campaigns are here.

Why now? Starting early gives us time to write more letters and reach more voters. And with so much at stake, there’s no time to spare.

Start writing letters today by visiting your Vote Forward dashboard. Remember: Hold your letters until our mail date in late October. Letters mailed now will not work to boost voter turnout this fall.



Florida: Postcards and Letter Writing to Voters

Virtual Postcard Writing · Hosted by Broward for Progress (

Join us for Postcards to Voters. We’re writing to Florida voters and need your help! Last cycle we sent almost 100,000 postcards out. Will you join us? 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference!



From Activate America (Formerly Flip the West)

Earlier this week, we let you know about our brand new postcarding program in North Carolina to turn out the vote for Democrat Cheri Beasley.

Today, we’re excited to announce another postcarding program, this time in Pennsylvania. Voting by mail is a relatively recent option for most Pennsylvania voters, and in 2021, the state created an “Annual Mail Ballot List.” People on the list will get a mail-in ballot for every election in a calendar year. However, since it is a relatively new program, voters may not know or remember that they need to reapply each year.

People already on the “Annual Mail-In Voter List” have received a notification from the state that they need to complete a form to stay on the list, and we’re sending likely Democratic voters a postcard reminding them to return that form or to reapply online.

Interested? Sign up HERE.

We ask that all postcards be mailed before April 20th to give voters sufficient time to complete the required paperwork and receive and return their ballot before an upcoming May 17th election.

Pennsylvania is arguably the most competitive Senate election in the country, and there are multiple competitive House races as well, so this is a high priority action. We’re grateful for everyone who joins us in this and other postcard campaigns, and consider chipping in to help us continue delivering the kinds of volunteer opportunities that can make a big difference in a close election.



Here is Frederica describes what they are doing:

I am administering a postcarding network in Humboldt County (presently over 300 writers) and we supply postcards and stamps to writers, which are available for cost at several convenient pickup locations. Have anyone interested in joining us contact me. We mostly postcard for ROV (Reclaim Our Vote), which is non-partisan, but have also postcarded for Activate America (which used to be called Flip the West), which is partisan.

She can be reached at: [email protected]


March 9, 2022

To: David Loya, Director of Community Development

From: 350 Humboldt: Grass Roots Climate Action

Subject: Gateway Area Plan Element of the General Plan


Thank you for asking Delo Freitas to talk to the 350 Humboldt general meeting about the Gateway Plan. She did a great job describing the project and answering many of our questions.

Arcata is the home of 265 of our members, so we are happy to provide comments on the Gateway Plan from a climate point of view. We are very pleased with many of the elements of the Gateway Plan because of their attention to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  These include:

·      Higher density including higher buildings

·      Infill rather than subdivisions or large lots with single homes

·      Non-motorized transportation emphasis

·      Mixed residential and commercial development

·      Parks and natural vegetation along creeks

·      Taking a longer perspective (20 years)

·      Planning that takes account of sea level rise

Our suggestions have to do primarily with reducing the carbon footprint of the area.

·      Increase possibilities for rooftop gardening and clothes drying

·      Require all-electric buildings with no gas hookups. Use all the climate-friendly REACH code provisions you can.

·      Building should be required to have heat pump hot water heaters using natural refrigerants

·      Heat pumps should be required to use natural refrigerants when they are commercially available and the lowest GWP from the onset [a refrigerant for residential heat pumps with GWP of 300 is now available from Honeywell].

·      Our understanding is that new construction will require rooftop solar as a state mandate. It should also include energy storage linked to the solar and EV chargers to serve all residents.

·      A solar microgrid is strongly recommended.

·      Increased insulation of external walls and other weatherization features that will reduce energy use.

Sea Level Rise: What are the plans for dealing with flooding of creeks, emerging groundwater, and evacuation routes for earthquakes or tsunamis?

Thank you for considering these ideas. We would be happy to discuss them in detail at any time.