This month’s News Flash highlights two important issues we’ll discuss at 350 Humboldt’s General Meeting on Thursday, February 20, 6 PM at El Chipotle restaurant at 850 Crescent Way in Arcata.

One is our participation in the national campaign to stem the tide of investment in fossil fuels by the wealthy. The other is the effort to bring climate-friendly buildings to Arcata — a city that’s already declared a climate emergency but appears stalled in responding to it.

First …
                                                         Stop the Money Pipeline!

 Help plan the Thursday, April 23 Day of Action
               The world’s largest banks have invested $1.9 trillion in fossil fuel companies — just                                                                 since the Paris Agreement in 2015!, Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and many other environmental groups plan a Day of Action on April 23 to protest and shame Chase Manhatten Bank, Liberty Mutual Insurance, and                                                           BlackRock asset managers.

350 Humboldt will participate locally in support of the national campaign. Please come learn more at our General Meeting on Thursday, February 20, at 6 PM at El Chipotle restaurant at 850 Crescent Way. Of course, you can also work on your own or with another group. Go to                                          to register.

Become a member at:

Meanwhile, in Arcata …

… 350 Humboldt was optimistic that, after passing a “climate emergency” resolution last September, the city council would act quickly on their stated goal of requiring that all new buildings be climate-friendly. With our local grid low in carbon emissions, switching to high efficiency electric appliances in new buildings is an obvious step for a city that’s aware we’re in an emergency. It’s also a measure that 23 other cities and counties in California have passed.

But no ordinance has been passed, and in recent months several city council members have distanced themselves from that goal.

We’ll talk about how to respond to this. You can help by emailing the city council members. Ask them to support this measure. It’s the very least we can do in facing a climate emergency!

Brett Watson at [email protected]
Sofia Pereira at [email protected]
Susan Ornelas at [email protected]
Vice Mayor Paul Pitino at [email protected]
Mayor Michael Winkler at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, February 20, 6 PM at El Chipotle restaurant!

Pat Carr for 350 Humboldt