Friday live demonstration and rally

350 Humboldt likes to bring people together, and this coming week — the week of Earth Day — we’ve got some big climate events for you to join!

Our first in-person event in more than a year comes up on Friday, April 23. At a safe social distance and masked, we’ll meet at 4:30 PM on the sidewalk in front of Chase Bank in Eureka (337 F St).

Chase is the largest funder of climate change in the world, lending more than $51 billion dollars to fossil fuel projects in 2020 alone. Our rally will make the point to Chase customers and the public that banking with Chase is banking on disaster.

We hope you’ll join us, but to be sure we follow county guidelines on public events Please Register Here:

The rally is limited to 50 people, and when you register you’ll receive further details including advice on sign-making. Then the rally will move three blocks to the County Courthouse where we’ll continue to raise the spirit of Earth Day.

Activities on Thursday April 22

Climate Panel

350 Humboldt has joined Cooperation Humboldt to partner with a group of organizations presenting The Post Capitalism Conference: Building a Solidarity Economy, on April 22-25. On Thursday at 4:30pm – 5:45 a panel will discuss Standing with Life: Building Global Climate Justice.

This panel will feature scholar-activists of UC Santa Barbara’s Environmental and Climate Justice Hub presenting on their local projects, global collaborations, and web-based resources on confronting the climate crisis with systemic alternatives and climate justice movements.

We hope you will attend this session and as many as you want.

Click here to register for the free conference:

Earth Day Live

Attend some of the events on the Earth Day Live website: Events are happening all day Wednesday and Thursday.

To get inspired, check out the videos 350 Humboldt contributed to the national Earth Day Live last year:

Biden Climate Conference and Side Event

President Biden has invited 40 world leaders to the Leaders Summit on Climate he will host on April 22 and 23, Thursday and Friday of this week.  The virtual Leaders Summit will be live streamed for public viewing. [Check at]

And here is a Wednesday side event to Biden’s conference

Topic: Fossil Fuels, Equity and a Global Just Transition

When: Wed April 21, starting at 9am PST

Speakers: Gregorio Mirabal (COICA), Tzeporah Berman (, Mitzi Jonelle Tan (Fridays for Future), Brenna Two Bears (Climate Access), Harjeet Singh (Treaty Initiative), Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, Rob Schuwerk (Carbon Tracker).

More information + registration form at



Because of Earth Week there will be no general meeting on Thursday evening

Attend Earth Week events instead, and we’ll see you the fourth Thursday of May at 6pm.
