Bull Kelp Research in Humboldt From Ocean Warming to Farming
A Talk by Rafael Cuevas Uribe, Marzia Fattori and Kalani Ortiz
Monday March 6, 7PM on Zoom
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Cal Poly Humboldt professor, Rafael Cuevas Uribe, and his graduate students, Marzia Fattori and Kalani Ortiz will discuss their bull kelp research on the 350 Humboldt Speakers Series. In 2019 Cal Poly Humboldt established the first commercial licensed seaweed farm in open waters in California. They started growing Pacific dulse, a type of red seaweed. Now they are culturing bull kelp. They will describe the farming process and their research on the lethal temperature that bull kelp could resist as well as other climate implications.
Dr. Rafael Cuevas Uribe is an associate professor at Cal Poly Humboldt. He has been at Cal Poly Humboldt since 2014. His research areas include integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems, preservation of germplasm resources for aquatic species, and reproductive biology. Marzia Fattori is a graduate student in the Fisheries Biology Department. During her last semester as an undergraduate student, she got involved in a project growing Bull kelp at the marine lab and developed an interest in kelp restoration. She then continued the study as her thesis project for her master’s degree. Kalani Ortiz is a current graduate student. Her research and thesis consist of expanding cultivation methods and evaluating the growth rates of Bull kelp (Nereocysistic lutkeana) from a hatchery to an open water longline farm system in Humboldt Bay.
350 Humboldt, Humboldt Baykeeper, Humboldt Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship Climate Action Campaign, Humboldt Friends, Northcoast Environmental Center, Friends of the Eel and EPIC.