The update and request below is from Rachel Smith of CORE-Hub, which is coordinating community actions to achieve community benefits and community agreements around the development of floating offshore wind in Humboldt. If you are able to speak at Thursday’s Harbor District meeting, talking points are at the bottom of this email.

350 Humboldt Offshore Wind Committee

Are you participating in the Harbor District meeting on Thursday (12/14 at 6pm) or encouraging a colleague, friend, neighbor or relative to participate?

The exclusive right to negotiate with Crowley has been extended to March. This means the option to lease would likely go before the Commissioners sometime between January through March, which allows for more time to work with the District and Crowley to ensure legally binding commitments to address community priorities and protections are included in the option. If you/your colleague/relative/friend haven’t commented to the District about what’s important, it is a great time to do so as the option is in its final stages of development. (side note: the extension also creates space for state agency advocacy and engagement with the County to ensure a strong community agreement is part of the option)

More on this week’s meeting:

  • Open meeting begins at 6pm
  • Location: 601 Startare Drive, Eureka, CA 95501 (on Woodley island)
  • Harbor District Meeting Agenda Packet
  • Unfinished Business item 10.a.) Receive Status Update Regarding Humboldt Bay Offshore Wind Heavy Lift Marine Terminal Project is where to make public comments.
  • Of course, it is most important to share what is meaningful to you. Some ideas for public comment are included below (and in this document which also includes background info):
    • All decisions that commit the Humboldt Harbor District to such a locally and globally significant project should be made transparently and include the community and its values
      • We hope some of the communities’ interests were included in the extension of the exclusive right to negotiate
    • We want binding commitments to community governance, a zero-emissions wind terminal (using best available technology), measures to prevent and address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples (MMIP) and sex trafficking/harassment, community-focused infrastructure, protections for environmental and cultural resources in and around the Bay, regenerative economic investments, and ongoing resources for Tribal Nations.
    • We want an environmental review process that lets the public know what the project is and what the impacts are—and how these will be addressed—before the Commissioners approve the option to lease (the key project approval).

As you know the County of Humboldt is planning to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with Crowley Wind Services on the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and the Local and Regional Workforce Plans. Attached is an invitation to attend MOA listening sessions with the County. The first session is on Dec 15th, 12pm-2pm at the Samoa Women’s Club. The second session is on December 21st, 4pm-6pm at the Samoa Women’s Club. These meetings will provide an overview of the MOA and the objectives it aims to achieve and will be an opportunity for the community to give reactions and feedback.

Thank you for your ongoing leadership and partnership!

Rachael Smith

Program Manager

Humboldt Area Foundation

363 Indianola Road, Bayside CA 95524


November 28th, 2023



825 5th Street, Suite 112, Eureka, CA 95501-1153 Telephone (707) 445-7266 Fax (707) 445-7299 [email protected]

RE: Proposed Memorandum of Agreement with Crowley Dear Recipient,

I am writing to extend an invitation to you on behalf of the County of Humboldt to participate in an important and collaborative discussion concerning the “MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT AND CROWLEY WIND SERVICES, LLC,” which is attached to this message.

This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) outlines a framework for mutual support, collaboration, and coordination in the successful development of the offshore wind industry in the Humboldt County Wind Energy Area (WEA). Specifically, the MOA lays out a pathway for the County and Crowley to collaborate and share resources on the completion of two specific, federal and state required, planning efforts:

  • Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (available at
  • Local and Regional Workforce Plans (available at

    The County of Humboldt remains committed to fostering regional economic growth, workforce development, and overall prosperity while ensuring sustainable and equitable growth in our community. In light of this commitment, we recognize the value of input and insights from governments and community partners with a vested interest, like you.

    Your perspective and expertise are highly regarded, and we believe that your feedback will contribute significantly to the success of this partnership and the future of offshore wind energy in the North Coast region.

    To facilitate a thorough and meaningful discussion, we invite you to join us at one or both of the listening sessions scheduled for:

    Option 1 Date: December 15, 2023
    Time: 12pm- 2pm.
    Location: Samoa Peninsula Women’s Club 115 Rideout Ave, Samoa, CA 95564

Option 2 Date: December 21, 2023
Time: 4pm – 6pm
Location: Samoa Peninsula Women’s Club 115 Rideout Ave, Samoa, CA 95564

During this meeting, we will provide an overview of the MOA and the objectives it aims to achieve. It will also be an opportunity for you to share your feedback, insights, and recommendations. Your input will help us ensure that the MOA aligns with the needs, priorities, and policies that can contribute to an equitable, sustainable, and successful offshore wind energy future.

We value your participation and engagement in this process and look forward to a productive and collaborative discussion. This meeting is an essential step in our community-centered efforts to build a better future for the North Coast region.

Please RSVP via email to [email protected] to confirm your attendance at one of the proposed meeting times. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the County of Humboldt’s Economic Development Division at 707-445-7745.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We greatly appreciate your dedication to our shared goals and objectives. Together, we can create a path forward that maximizes regional prosperity and community flourishing.

Sincerely, Sincerely,

Elishia Hayes
Humboldt County Administrative Officer



WiIl the District commit to responding to Tribal Nations, community-based organizations and others who have asked for specific policies to prevent and address the risk of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Peoples (MMIP) by incorporating Tribal and community recommendations into the option to lease and other legally binding mechanisms? Given Crowley’s alarming legal and personnel issues of sex trafficking and sexual harassment, where will MMIP protections become enforceable policy?

○ We are pleased to see the 8/1 letter from the Harbor District re MMIP and its commitment to working with Tribes, community and industry to implement the recommendations in the June 21, 2023, report by the Yurok Tribal Court titled: How to Protect Native Women, Girls, and People in Humboldt & Del Norte County as Offshore Wind Enters the Region: MMIP Prevention Planning and Recommendations, but want to see specific actions the District and Crowley will be taking to implement these recommendations. How was this addressed in the extension?

  •  Will the Harbor District commit to ensuring there is a signed community agreement with key terms in the lease, as a requirement of approving an option to lease that commits the Harbor District to a proposed project ?
  •  Will the District seek to address concerns raised by community about the developer and the project through support for a binding, enforceable community agreement with commitments to:


Use best available technology to achieve a ‘zero-emissions’ wind terminal

  •  Take strong measures to prevent MMIP and sexual harassment/trafficking
  •  Help address community infrastructure needs of communities surrounding

    the port through a fund and operational commitments

  •  Protect environmental and cultural resources through site design, comply

    with CEQA and other environmental laws and adaptive management

  •  Transparency, communication and community governance and decision

    making, including a community steering committee

  •  Policies for regenerative economic development and commitments to

    good jobs, training and leadership opportunities for local residents,

    members of Tribal Nations, and other underrepresented communities

  •  Preservation of local Tribal, commercial and recreational fishing and


  •  Support for Tribal Nations through a Tribal Fund and other communications

    Let’s work together to develop this wind terminal project right and make it a point of pride for our community.