Please join the 350Pittsburgh
‘Take This to Paris’ Picture Campaign
Its quick, its easy, its free, and it makes your point. Take what ? Take a tangible, colorful, personal message to the climate talks in Paris. Add your pic by Nov. 21 !
Mayor Peduto and Pittsburgh filmmaker Mark Dixon are going to the Paris Climate Talks (COP21) at the end of November. We are building an album of pictures from all the groups or individuals working on or concerned about any aspect of climate change. “ON” Pictures will show things we want to protect that are threatened by climate change; ‘OFF” pictures will show things causing climate change that we want to stop.
Mayor’s Office Press Release re Paris Trip
We invite you to add your message by taking these 3 quick steps:
- Print out or display in your tablet/laptop/photoframe/phone one of these ‘Take This To Paris On/Off’ posters, customize it if you’d like, add your logo, or make your own poster
- Go stand by what you want to protect (On) or stop (Off)
- Have a friend take a picture of you with the poster and email it to us at [email protected] by Nov. 21
We will present these pictures to the Mayor and Mark before they leave for Paris.
Take To Paris ON poster (PDF blank message, you fill it !)
Take To Paris ON poster (PNG image, use in powerpoint or Word)
Take To Paris OFF poster (PDF blank message, you fill it !)
Take to Paris OFF poster (PNG image, use in powerpoint or Word)
Take To Paris ON with Our Children
Take To Paris ON with Clean Power
Take To Paris ON with Just Transition
Take To Paris ON with In The Ground
Take To Paris OFF with Environmental Injustice
Take To Paris OFF with Fossil Fuel

Take To Paris OFF with Fracking