by Shanti Gamper-Rabindran, opinion contributor, The Hill, 09/20/22
Americans have an important decision to make: Do we fully embrace renewable energy, or do we divert scarce public funding to explore unproven technologies like blue hydrogen (hydrogen produced using natural gas ) and carbon capture that can double down on fossil fuel dependency?
That question is at the heart of the 13th Clean Energy Ministerial, being hosted in Pittsburgh, Pa., this week. Politicians, CEOs and energy leaders will meet to discuss how to accelerate the clean energy transition. Featured prominently are several events that promote blue hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies or carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies.
Advocates for blue hydrogen and CCUS technologies argue that these technologies can prolong the longevity of natural gas and coal, and therefore save jobs. However, putting hopes for stable jobs in financially risky ventures is imprudent. Rather, diversifying the economies of fossil fuel regions by deploying renewable energy and energy efficiency and beyond, would be more prudent.
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