350NJ-ROCKLAND 350NJ-ROCKLAND, May 9, 2017

 An estimated 200,000 people converged in Washington, DC on Saturday April 29, with the rallying cry “We Resist! We Build! We Rise!”

On April 29th, students, workers, faith communities, Indigenous Nations, community organizations, and environmental groups joined together to make it clear that this resistance will defend our communities, now and forever.

The March was a beautiful, hopeful moment. And now, together, we will chart another path for America: away from Trump’s agenda for a cruel, polluted and divided country, and towards a clean energy economy that works for everyone.

Over 900 organizations partnered with the People’s Climate Movement in planning for the March and turning people out! In addition to the main March in Washington, over 375 sister marches were held across the US and around the world!

Watch the PeoplesClimate.org video: https://www.facebook.com/peoplesclimate/videos/1851119185139056/

Here is a Media Coverage Sampling:

The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/climate-march-expected-to-draw-massive-crowd-to-dc-in-sweltering-heat/2017/04/28/1bdf5e66-2c3a-11e7-b605-33413c691853_story.html?utm_term=.7cc7e8502c89

Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/climate-march-2017_us_590371e1e4b0bb2d086e12ff

NPR: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/04/29/526179637/thousands-of-marchers-expected-to-take-on-trumps-climate-policies

Some of 350NJ’s Facebook Posts:

Logan and Co: https://www.facebook.com/350NJ/posts/931926560280341

The Utz Family: https://www.facebook.com/350NJ/posts/927592604047070

Nichelle: https://www.facebook.com/350NJ/posts/927826947356969

Posters: https://www.facebook.com/350NJ/posts/927805524025778




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Divest from fossil fuels!!!
