Helping in Georgia: Call banking and letter writing opportunities

1.     Flip the West:

2.     Democratic volunteer center:

3.     Postcards to swing states:

4.     Sierra Club



A fun way to write letters is to join the 350 Humboldt letter-writing party, held every Sunday at 7 pm.

Here is the link for tonight (details below):

Also, please take time to fill out a couple of on-line petitions

Kern County oil petition/reintroduction of AB 345  Please sign the petition.

350 Minnesota has asked us to sign a petition to help stop the “Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline”.

And tell CARB that its proposed new policies on refrigerants are woefully inadequate

Online form at:

Points to make: (these points refer to retail supermarkets and other non-residential sources but do not apply to air conditioners)

1. The proposed limits on high global warming potential HFC refrigerants will not get us anywhere close to California’s net-zero by 2045 goal.

2. Far preferable is the Alternative 1 from the staff report which commits us to using natural refrigerants that have very low global warming potential.

350 General Meeting Minutes: November 19, 2020, 6pm

Present at the meeting: Dan Chandler (facilitator) Pat Car, Val Rose, Deborah Dukes, Jennifer
Pace, John Schaefer, Lee Dedini, Nancy Ihara, Randy Carrrico, Cathy Chandler-Klein, Emily
Siegel, Robin (from the Sierra Club), Micheal Winkler, Hayley Connors-Keith (note-taker), Mary
Sanger, and Diane Reyerson.

Check-in: People shared how they were feeling in the aftermath of the election and feelings
around the pandemic.

Poem of the month: Deborah read “Joe’s Hired” by James Floss. Anyone can bring a poem to
read for next month.

Committee news:

Art – Hayley mentioned that the Just Recovery effort is in progress. Thinking about an art
exhibit and has contacted the Ink People.
As a fundraiser we are suggesting a once a month showcasing of art (especially welcome
climate-related) that people want to donate and proceeds of art will go to 350. Message Hayley
[email protected] if you have art you’d like to donate as a fundraiser.

Local – Pat attended and presented a statement on behalf of 350 Humboldt during a Arcata City
council meeting on the 18th which discussed the split consent of outwitting a ban of natural gas
in Arcata and electric preferred reach codes. There will be three new city council members
which will greatly change the council. The energy committee will analyze the natural gas ban
and the electric preferred reach codes and come back with recommendations. Arcata will likely
join the electric gas ban. Michael encouraged groups to lobby to require all eclectic

Deborah mentioned that Eureka has contracted for several low income buildings downtown.
Linc Housing will use all-electric for these buildings, E.V. chargers available and secure bike
spots, and use solar panels to offset common area electrical use.

John mentioned would be doing a workshop on Dec 13. at 1 pm, for the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Climate Action Committee demonstrating the online do-it-yourself approach to modeling climate change solutions (En-ROADS:,in%20less%20than%20a%20second.)

Klamath dam removal is in motion- woohoo all our letters helped!

Micheal mentioned the RCEA board meeting and announced there was no support for Blue Lake biomass.

Legislative/national- Dan- follow-up on talking points for second meeting with McGuire. Ask
Dan for copies.


Book club: Voted to read All We Can Save: short pieces by 50 women climate activists edited
by Ayana Johnson and Katharine Wilkinson. The first book club meeting will be Monday Dec.
28th at 7pm. For those that were interested at the meeting Northtown Books will hold the
books and curbside delivery is available. If you weren’t at the meeting and want to be a part of
the book club you can message Deborah at
[email protected]

Awards for climate heroes: Pat is asking others to join him in a committee group to recognize
people who are doing a variety of things about climate change and working on their personal
carbon footprint. The group would come up with categories criteria, what kind of rewards, and
a bit of kudos. Message Pat if you are interested in joining him at [email protected]

Partnerships/collaborations with other local groups: The last few months Hayley has been
attending different virtual presentations and meetings (such as the NA Studies department &
Save California Salmon partnership webinars and Cooperation Humboldt discussions) to
understand what different organizations are doing locally and to better understand how we can
support others /work together to be a more resilient equitable community. 350 has been a part of a couple events- the City Council Candidate Forums for Arcata and Eureka & the Protect the
Results caravan/rally in partnership with many other groups recently. Hayley’s hope for 350
Humboldt is to continue to have partnerships with diverse groups to grow our solidarity with
each other. If anyone has any upcoming events for collaboration let her know at
[email protected]. She will be starting to attend the People’s Movement Assembly meetings
as a liaison for 350 Humboldt.

Announcements in the last two weeks that give us hope (or fear):

California has refreshed its “Clean Fuel Rewards” program, increasing the amount to
$1,500 upfront (no application required) and simplifying availability to customers statewide.
The new incentive is available for any eligible electric vehicle (including motorcycles!)
purchased from a participating retailer starting today, November 17.” Up to $14,500 is available
in total. You can find out more through Plug In America’s PlugStar website, which lets you
search for applicable incentives based on your ZIP code. CARB offers a similar service through

Pat & Val- In the past the auto industry always teamed up with the fossil fuel industry, but a new development is that automakers now make electric vehicles so have a stake in renewables. This is a new lobbying landscape.

Next general meeting will be on the 3rd Thursday in December.



Zoom meeting details for tonight.

Topic: Letter writing party
Time: Nov 22, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
      Every week on Sun, 16 occurrence(s)
      Nov 22, 2020 07:00 PM
      Nov 29, 2020 07:00 PM
      Dec 6, 2020 07:00 PM
      Dec 13, 2020 07:00 PM
      Dec 20, 2020 07:00 PM
      Dec 27, 2020 07:00 PM
      Jan 3, 2021 07:00 PM
      Jan 10, 2021 07:00 PM
      Jan 17, 2021 07:00 PM
      Jan 24, 2021 07:00 PM
      Jan 31, 2021 07:00 PM
      Feb 7, 2021 07:00 PM
      Feb 14, 2021 07:00 PM
      Feb 21, 2021 07:00 PM
      Feb 28, 2021 07:00 PM
      Mar 7, 2021 07:00 PM
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