Which Way the Wind Festival (from NEC’s Eco News Report)
The third Which Way the Wind Festival tackles the problems of nuclear weapons in our modern age and the risk of global warming, including sea level rise, through a mixture of arts and education. Learn about sea level rise through a ride on the Madaket with Aldaron Laird, Jerry Rohde and Marnie Atkins. The ride includes a visit to the perilous storage of Humboldt Bay Power Plant nuclear waste next to the Bay. Muse on the absurdity of war and deterrence strategies through burlesque. Engage with some of the deepest thinkers on the subject in panel discussions. Also poetry, art works, and music.
For the full lineup of events and tickets, visit the festival’s web page.
Center for International Environmental Law
Opening our coasts to offshore drilling jeopardizes human and ecological health, tourism, fishing livelihoods, and marine life — particularly in the Gulf of Mexico, where impacts of the Deepwater Horizon disaster can be felt to this day. Allowing new oil and gas development would also result in billions of tons of new greenhouse gas emissions at a time the world needs to urgently slash global emissions by ending reliance on fossil fuels. There is too much at stake.
We still have a chance to stop this.
We must ensure that President Biden keeps his promise to end offshore drilling.
Take action |
Clean energy projects (wind, solar, storage, and more) are waiting years to get connected to the grid. But we don’t have that kind of time. And this isn’t just slowing clean energy down—it’s making it harder to avoid blackouts during extreme weather events like last year’s deadly winter storm in Texas.
But there’s good news: FERC is considering new rules that would speed up the queue and accelerate the just transition to a clean energy future. Sign an official public comment right now, and we’ll deliver it to FERC decision-makers!
350 Humboldt has a group of devoted letter and postcard writers. Join us for tips and conversation while you write. 7 pm every Sunday evening on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86943045708?pwd=clVqWVJZNEFQSVl0QWd6VCtOZGtWZz09
Postcards for Swing States
Please sign up now to help us rally Democrats to vote in 41 competitive House races from California to Maine this November! You can help hold the Democratic House majority by writing postcards to voters.
You’ll need to provide your own postcards and stamps for this program. We recommend progressivepostcards, an online store that sells postcards with several of our designs for less than most sellers. After you sign up, we’ll email you a list of voters and instructions, which will include an October mailing date and three message options.
350 Bay Area Action (new voter program)
You are needed in our launch of post-primary phone calling and postcardingas we build voter strength for the midterm elections this November.
There are large numbers of pro-choice Democrats in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and California who often skip midterm elections. We believe the right message on this issue can help motivate these voters. We have worked with Planned Parenthood and other experts to develop these scripts, so you can be assured that you are sending a tested message that will resonate with these voters.
This postcard program focuses on the fact that Senate candidates John Fetterman (D-PA) and Cheri Beasley (D-NC), as well as our CA House candidates, will vote to protect reproductive rights, while Republicans are pushing a nationwide abortion ban.
We’re also sending pro-choice postcards in five House districts in California, with more coming soon.
Want to join us? Sign up through the Mobilize link HERE.
Vote Forward
Vote Forward volunteers like you have “adopted” more than 1 million voters who will receive ‘please vote’ letters ahead of the midterms this fall!
This is incredible progress, but in order to reach our 10 million letter goal, we need your help. Please visit it us and sign up to write letters at: https://votefwd.org/
There are races all around the country we are writing for, including in California.
Third Act – Bill McKibben’s new group is postcarding
Let’s join together as Third Act’s Democracy Force to write postcards and mobilize voters in Arizona and Pennsylvania to request their vote-by-mail ballot in time for Midterm Primary Elections. Learn more below about why postcards and mail voting are vital and effective at increasing turnout.
Here is Frederica describes what they are doing:
I am administering a postcarding network in Humboldt County (presently over 300 writers) and we supply postcards and stamps to writers, which are available for cost at several convenient pickup locations. Have anyone interested in joining us contact me. We mostly postcard for ROV (Reclaim Our Vote), which is non-partisan, but have also postcarded for Activate America (which used to be called Flip the West), which is partisan.
She can be reached at: [email protected]