There are many reasons not to buy into the right-wind recall campaign. The two biggest climate related reasons are a) Newsom has been at least a fair advocate for climate action and seems to be getting more committed while the likely Republicans are climate deniers; and b) the Governor gets to appoint Diane Feinstein’s replacement were that necessary, ending our biggest chance for significant federal climate action – probably for years. VOTE NO on recalling Governor Newsom.
Bill McKibben starts a new newsletter and a new organization for those of us in the last third of our lives. The newsletter is a “pay if you” can arrangement. Check out the introduction at:
350SV has made it very easy for us to ask the Governor to sign the climate bills that have made it through the Legislature:
While several climate bills we’re following may receive their final votes in the next few days, right now two climate bills of consequence are ready for Governor Newsom’s signature: SB 68 (Becker) and AB 881 (Gonazlez, et al). SB 68 would expand the focus of the California Energy Commission’s Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) program to include projects that “lead to technological advancements to reduce the costs of building electrifications”; and require the Commission to publish guidance on building electrification and EV charging equipment for all parties in the process of new building construction. AB 881 would rein in the use of plastics by making it harder for municipalities to claim recycling credit for exporting mixed plastics, which are often considered contaminated by overseas recyclers and subsequently burned.
Use the letter form linked here to ask Governor Newsom to sign SB 68 and AB 881 today. Also check back frequently in the next ten days as the letter is updated to add other bills that pass the Legislature.
Write letters and sign petitions on your own or join the 350 Humboldt “chat and write” letter-writing group Sunday evenings at 7pm. Here is the zoom link:
Here is Frederica describes what they are doing:
I am administering a postcarding network in Humboldt County (presently over 300 writers) and we supply postcards and stamps to writers, which are available for cost at several convenient pickup locations. Have anyone interested in joining us contact me. We mostly postcard for ROV (Reclaim Our Vote), which is non-partisan, but have also postcarded for Activate America (which used to be called Flip the West), which is partisan.
She can be reached at: [email protected]
The founder of World Letter Writing Day says: Never underestimate the power of writing a letter to someone. We agree. Writing Vote Forward letters on September 1 is a great way to make a powerful connection with a fellow voter and one of the most effective ways to encourage that voter to turn out to vote in November.
Virginia is winnable for Democrats this year, but recent polling shows the races are close. If Republicans win this fall, they will no doubt use a Virginia victory to propel them into the 2022 midterm elections.
Let’s work together to make September 1 a record-setting day of letter writing to boost voter turnout in Virginia!
To prepare for World Letter Writing Day, please visit your dashboard to “adopt” Democratic-leaning Virginia voters.
IMPORTANT: The Postal Service is increasing postcard stamp prices on August 29th. The price will go up to $0.40 from the current $0.36. Here are a couple important things to know:
You can use postcard stamps forever regardless of their current price, just like Forever Stamps.
The easiest way to stock up on postcard stamps before the price increase is to buy them online from USPS here. You can also buy them from your local post office.
Prices for Forever Stamps also go up on the 29th, from $0.55 to $0.58.
Please SIGN UP to write postcards to make sure Democrats come out and vote. We’ll send you the postcards, addresses and instructions for free. You provide $0.36 stamps and mail the cards. A number of campaigns are available on the website.
With the help of volunteers like you, we wrote 21 million postcards in 2020, and we saw incredible results! Voters who receive handwritten postcards are significantly more likely to vote. You can help us keep New Jersey and Virginia blue!
Visit our website to learn more about Postcards to Swing States and get answers to our frequently asked questions.
Tomorrow, we are switching our focus to the next climate champion on our list ‒ Rodney Willett. A health and education advocate hailing from a family of teachers, Willett has been serving as the Delegate for Virginia’s 40th district since 2020. Since then, his pro-environment votes in the Virginia legislature and his work towards passing the historic Virginia Clean Economy Act have earned him an A rating from the Sierra
Claim your first batch of 10 letters for Delegate Willett, and get started now!With just 36 days to go until our first send date of October 6th ‒ and polls in Virginia looking tight ‒ he will need your help to succeed.
Current laws make it easy for fossil fuel companies to drill on public lands. As a result, the industry has been exposing communities to pollution, harming our health and releasing dangerous climate change emissions.
The historic budget reconciliation now being drafted is the perfect opportunity to fix this broken system and help ensure public lands are managed for people, not polluters. Click on this link: Public lands are for people, not polluters.
BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world — and it has both the power and responsibility to make sure that EVERY company it invests in is on track to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
We need rapid, science-based steps toward decarbonization, not just vague plans and green marketing campaigns. If that’s all BlackRock has to offer it may as well still be denying the immediate threat that climate change poses.
Voting rights in our country are under attack. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, H.R.4, is an important step towards creating national voting standards―ensuring that our voices are heard equally at the ballot box, no matter who we are or where we live.
The House of Representatives, last week, passed this urgently needed legislation. Now, it must pass the Senate, where it faces steep opposition.
This fall, we need to take another powerful leap forward. As a nation, we must ensure that the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill includes funding to finally move the country toward a 100% clean energy economy.
NRDC Needs 50,000 People Calling on the Biden Administration to Take Tough Climate Action by Strengthening Clean Car Standards
An alarming new scientific report revealed that the world MUST reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 to avert climate catastrophe. We need climate action now: Submit an official public comment calling on the EPA and DOT to strengthen clean car and fuel economy standards before it’s too late!
From Ro Khanna, Congressman from Silicon Valley and I are demanding that top fossil fuel executives testify in front of Congress — even if it requires subpoenaing them in front of Congressional committees.
With my position as the Chair of the Environmental Oversight Subcommittee, and the strength of’s grassroots supporters, we know that we can hold these Big Oil and Gas executives accountable.