Write on your own or join our chat and write session on zoom tonight, Sunday, 7pm at:


1.       We have 44 days to influence the Biden administration’s position on the unjust Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), and with it the Biden administration’s approach to other pipelines like the dirty Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline in Minnesota. That’s why dozens of organizations are coming together tomorrow to deliver petitions against DAPL and Line 3 directly to President Biden.  https://addup.sierraclub.org/campaigns/tell-federal-officials-shut-down-the-dakota-access-pipeline/petition?

2.         A package of conservation bills that would protect millions of acres of public lands and wilderness and increase equitable access to nature throughout the West is poised to pass the U.S. House this week.https://act.sierraclub.org/actions/National?actionId=AR0319272&id=70131000001iOuIAAU

3.         Help Sierra Club register new voters (or those who moved).

This letter writing project will be a little different from previous ones! This is a non-partisan voter registration effort. Even if you’ve written letters with us before, please read our updated letter writing guide here: sc.org/LetterWritingGuide. It has important details about some of the guidelines we need everyone to follow when working on these letters.

When you’re ready to get started, you can request your first batch of five letters here: sc.org/RequestLetters

4.        NRDC suggests writing a letter to the Times Standard about the need for setbacks from oil and gas production:  https://act.nrdc.org/lte/5637-ca-setbacks-lte-210228?

5.Sign the petition for Deb Haaland Sect of Interior. Lots of actions below.


A toolkit for actions.  https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1CRzsD3as7nkNe2Fj5WLgaPfv0jhOWo5PNNaa6ZFJ6-c/mobilebasic

Last Tuesday 9:30 a.m. her Confirmation Hearing before the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee began, and is continuing.

Rep Haaland’s prepared remarks:  https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/22/politics/haaland-confirmation-remarks/index.html

Send a message to committee members, especially Joe Manchin: https://www.manchin.senate.gov/contact-joe/email-joe

The Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources — on Twitter


@Sen_JoeManchin (Chair) – Undecided











@barrassoforwyo  (Ranking member) – Against



@SteveDaines – Against


@SenJohn Hoeven





5.         Writer’s cramp, try calling

Both AZ and GA state legislatures have introduced a flurry of voter-suppression laws.

Please join us for our National Guided phone bank – we will be making calls to voters of color in both states and patching them through to representatives, so that their voices are heard! Please click one of these links before hand, and read the Phonebanker’s Guidelines for our new CallHub platform. Newbies welcome!

Arizona phone banks (also contains link for email advocacy)

Georgia phone banks (also contains link for email advocacy)