350 Humboldt member Jamie Blatter will be the speaker on this month’s Speakers’ Series. Please join Jamie at 7pm Tuesday January 23, 2024. The talk will be on zoom. Here is the direct link for the talk:


Please invite your friends.

Below is Jamie’s bio in more detail than would fit on the beautiful flyer below. (Thanks to Abigail Lowell at EPIC.)

Jamie Blatter has been working in the non-profit realm for nearly a decade, with a focus on centering the voices of youth and community within the environmental sphere. This has involved mentoring emerging young environmental leaders, advocating for urban environmental justice, and supporting climate adaptation projects globally. Jamie completed an undergraduate degree in journalism and cultural studies and a master’s degree in climate change science and solutions. She now works as the North Coast and Climate Specialist for the MPA Collaborative Network, an organization with the mission of empowering diverse communities to engage in MPA management for a healthy ocean. Beyond her love of all things oceanic, Jamie is an avid gardener, aspiring homesteader, spiritual seeker, and long-distance backpacker. She is inspired by ecological and human resilience. As a queer woman, Jamie seeks to uplift queer voices and visibility within her field.

Co-sponsors for Jamie’s talk are: EPIC, NEC, HUUF-CAC, Humboldt Friends,