The CPUC has come out with another proposal for redoing the financial arrangements for rooftop solar owners. It is somewhat less bad than the previous two, but will still result in a huge drop off in new solar customers right when we need to up our game. Yesterday there were rallies in a dozen cities.

The Save California Solar Coalition asks that you contact the Governor and ask him to step in again. Here are 4 things you can do. Resources about the issue are at the end of the email.

1) Email Governor Newsom and tell him the CPUC’s most recent proposal is too extreme and he must step in.

People can send their message through the Governor’s portal. If your organization plans to host a petition on your site, feel free to grab and modify the language here.

2) Call Gov. Newsom’s office. His lines are open 9-5 Monday thru Friday. We need to flood his office with calls and keep those calls coming. Here’s a sample script. Modify as you see fit to make it personalized:

“My name is ___ and I live in ____. The CPUC’s latest rooftop solar proposal is still too extreme. We need you to step in. California should be doing more, not less, to promote rooftop solar. Please show us you are serious about rate hikes, blackouts and air pollution. Say no to the utilities’ profit grab, and yes to helping millions of working and middle class people get solar.”

3) Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. A 150-word letter to the editor is an effective way to reach the public. It also can help encourage newspaper editors to cover this issue more.

Letters should be personalized, but ideally paint the proposal as too extreme and call on the Governor to step in. Here are tips to increase the chances your letter is printed.

4) Spread the word

  • Make a petition and circulate online or in-person at grocery stores, farmers markets and events. Here’s sample language you can modify and use for your organization.
  • People can distribute a flyer to solar homes in your neighborhood to alert them to the threat to solar. Here’s some guidance and a flyer you can modify, download and print.
  • If you have a social media account, post a message. Here’s a sample: The CPUC’s latest rooftop solar proposal is still too extreme! The people said #KeepSolarGrowing. @GavinNewsom please be a leader and #SaveSolar
  • Nextdoor is also an effective place to spread the word. Here’s a sample message people can post on your local Nextdoor account.

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