Public transit is a critical climate solution. To reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions we have to transform our cities with infill and move to more climate-friendly forms of transportation – walking, biking, and transit (AKA buses, light rail, subways). California, despite leading in many climate sectors, is far behind other states in supporting public transportation. For example, BART gets only 4% of its operating budget from the state; in Philadelphia 50% of transit funding comes from the state.

The end of pandemic funding that kept transit running during Covid is about to end.  Transit faces a fiscal cliff. Without state funding to bridge the gap, massive service cuts will happen. For example, BART will end week-end service and San Francisco will cut one bus line a month for 20 months. The Humboldt Transit Authority is not in immediate danger, but does need more support in the long run and could apply for funds if they make it into the budget.

Transit officials and advocates expected this year’s budget to fill the gap, but as of now the funding for transit is not there. The budget needs to be passed by June 15, so  it is critical that we advocate for funding to the Governor and our legislators. Ironically, there is federal money available that would do the job. But since it can cover highways or transit, California has chosen highways over transit. (Again, again, again…!)

Please act in this emergency.  You can sign a petition here.

Or even better you can go to this site where phone numbers for the Governor and legislative leaders are available along with a script and call.

You can also just email the Governor here. Where it asks for a topic, put in “Budget May Revision 23-24.”

Here’s an example of what to say (feel free to modify).

My name is _____ and I am a California resident living in ________. Public transportation is at major risk due to the pandemic. Thank you for stating your intention to not let transit fail. But the budget proposals on the table will lead to massive service cuts that would strand people who depend on transit and keep the state from reaching our climate, equity and housing goals. Please fund transit in this emergency and then plan for a transit system that will serve Californians in our low-emissions future.

Thank you for acting!!!

350 Humboldt Steering Committee