Write letters and sign petitions on your own or join the 350 Humboldt “chat and write” letter-writing group Sunday evenings at 7pm. Here is the zoom link:
Sending letters to voters thanking them for voting in last election and encouraging them to vote again in upcoming elections.
Here is a video of Vote Forward’s research director describing how they measure effectiveness.
Emily Wasserman starts her talk at 5 minutes in: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EHKvK3TMOxEW_JKZzAh7l-5ISI_sHusi/view
There are just five weeks left until the June 8 Democratic primaries in New Jersey and Virginia. When more Democrats vote in the primary, more of them vote in November, as well. We can’t let Republicans take control in these states!
Please SIGN UP to write postcards to make sure Democrats come out and vote. We’ll send you the postcards, addresses and instructions for free. You provide $0.36 stamps and mail the cards. A number of campaigns are available on the website.
With the help of volunteers like you, we wrote 21 million postcards in 2020, and we saw incredible results! Voters who receive handwritten postcards are significantly more likely to vote. You can help us keep New Jersey and Virginia blue!
Visit our website to learn more about Postcards to Swing States and get answers to our frequently asked questions.
Only 63% of Arizona voters are registered. Send a blank registration form and a letter to unregistered voters:
Print copies of this blank voter registration form and include a blank form with each letter you send. Please do not write on the voter registration forms.
These letters should be put in the mail as soon as you have completed them.
Please follow the instructions here to complete and send your letters: sc.org/LetterWritingInstructions.
When you are ready for your next batch of letters, please request more at sc.org/RequestLetters.
President Biden recently called for the elimination of tax preferences and loopholes for the fossil fuel industry in his American Jobs Plan. The End Polluter Welfare Act would do just that by eliminating dozens of tax loopholes, subsidies, and other special interest giveaways throughout the federal tax code — ending corporate handouts and saving American taxpayers up to $150 billion over the next ten years.
While the 20 largest fossil fuel companies account for more than a third of global greenhouse gas emissions in the modern era — all while raking in profits — American taxpayers today pay $15 billion per year in direct federal subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. In 2020, the fossil fuel industry spent more than $115 million lobbying Congress in defense of these giveaways — an over 13,000% return on their lobbying investment.
This is a chance to stop prioritizing corporate profits over public health.
Assembly Bill 1139 (Gonzales) would establish, as the default policy for the state of California:
- A new monthly fee estimated at $70 per month for a home solar system.
- An 80% reduction in the utility bill credit for the extra solar energy you share with your neighbors.
- An end to the current 20 year protection for existing solar users. The above changes would apply to existing solar users within one to ten years of the bill’s passage.
We’re calling AB 1139 “The Utility Profit Grab”. Will you speak out against it?
Tell your representative: Stop the Utility Profit Grab
The USPS currently operates 229,000 vehicles, which are an average of 28 years old, and get about 10 miles per gallon of gasoline. The Postal Service spends up to $500 million per year, just to fuel these aging vehicles. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan calls for electrifying the postal fleet, and voters approve:
ADD YOUR NAME: Tell Congress to pass President Biden’s plan to electrify the Postal Fleet!
Yesterday was a huge moment for voting rights! The For the People Act is one step closer to becoming a law that will protect the freedom to vote, make elections safer and more secure, and eliminate corruption in our government and elections.
The next step is a floor vote in the U.S. Senate, and it’s important for your senators to hear from you about why this bill matters so much.
Oil and gas corporations are trying to build a pipeline through predominantly Black communities in Memphis, Tennessee.
When we talk about environmental racism and climate justice being a racial justice issue, this is what we’re talking about.
Valero Energy Corp. and Plains All American Pipeline are working to build the Byhalia Connection Pipeline. The pipeline will cut directly through the predominantly Black South Memphis and threaten the Memphis Sand Aquifer, which provides clean and safe drinking water to residents around Memphis.
Tell the Biden Administration: Revoke the Byhalia Pipeline Permit!
The National Climate Emergency Act, introduced in February by Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Earl Blumenauer and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, would give the President additional tools to cut emissions, while creating accountability, oversight and a road map for equitable climate action. The bill is already supported by at least 50 members of Congress, but much more support is needed to pass the bill. You can take action here — Tell Congress to pass the National Climate Emergency Act.
Tell the EPA to Permanently Veto the Pebble Mine and Save Alaska’s Spectacular Bristol Bay
With a new environmentally friendly administration under President Biden, there’s a real opportunity to block this toxic mega-mine once and for all. Help us create a wave of public pressure calling on the EPA to shut down the Pebble Mine project.
Oil giant Shell has come up with a plan to be a cleaner, greener company. But scratch the surface and it’s clear Shell’s climate plan is a total sham.
If this plan proceeds it will give Shell cover to keep polluting our planet for decades to come – and give other oil companies a free pass to do the same. Which is why we must stop it.
And here’s our chance: Shell’s climate plan is being presented to shareholders next week. If the company’s biggest investor – Blackrock – votes the plan down, Shell’s board will be forced to rip it up and start again.
The Canadian government just recently approved Trans Mountain’s request to hide the names of the insurance companies backing its massive Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline.
In the request Trans Mountain filed in February, it argued that the pressure from our movement was making it difficult to find insurers that will provide coverage for the toxic project. And, thanks to pressure from all of you, three insurers cut ties with Trans Mountain last summer, and thirteen global insurers now have policies in place that restrict coverage of the tar sands sector.
This is a huge deal. It’s proof that our strategy of following the money to keep fossil fuels in the ground is working.
The boreal forest is huge — it covers about half of Canada’s land area — and it supports an enormous and diverse range of plant and animal species.
In addition to providing crucial habitat to a vast range of species, a healthy boreal forest is also essential to our efforts to fight climate change. The forest serves as a carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere from burned fossil fuels and replacing it with fresh oxygen.
The boreal forest is so important for capturing carbon that it actually changes global atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen at the peak of summer, when the forest is growing most vigorously.3
Is it really worth exchanging all this — for extra-soft toilet paper? Bamboo, wheat straw and recycled paper are alternatives.