It is imperative that climate deniers and fossil fuel protectors not benefit from the midterms. The polls are uncertain, but there is a good chance climate protectors can win the Senate and at least a chance the House can be won. Our options now are limited to phone calls and texts. Below are a few options.

Please take some time over the next week to make calls or texts.

Thank you,

350 Humboldt


Get out the vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. Person-to-person contact is the most effective way to reach and turn out voters. Key races absolutely depend on voter turnout—and in just one hour, you can make a difference. These phone banks provide training and support. Make calls to voters anytime between 12pm and 10pm ET or join a live phone bank with other Dems.

Call with Swing Left

Grassroots Democrats HQ

Phone Bank NOW with the Grassroots Democrats HQ! ›

Text Bank · Stand Up America
Text Voters with Stand Up America ›

See more ›