Here are the two added conditions to the Nordic permit that Mike Wilson got added at the hearing. Hard to tell at this point whether either of them will be useful in limiting risks and possible damage from a project with few safeguards built in due to an inadequate EIR. But we certainly appreciate Mike Wilson’s efforts.
- Prior to issuance of any construction permits for phase 2, phase 1 of the project must be operating in compliance with the County CDP, RWQCB NPDES Permit, and any other local, state, or federal permit issued to Nordic or their successor. This shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building.
- Nordic Aquafarms shall provide an annual Sustainability Report initiated within one year of operation, describing efforts to decarbonize trucking activities, GHG impacts associated with fish feed and other relevant issues. Nordic shall host a summit by invitation for the local NGOs, Community Leaders, Academia, Tribal Government Leadership and members of the public. In addition to reviewing Nordics Annual Sustainability Report, a forum is created where issues and solutions are discussed by all. Agreed upon elements can be incorporated into Nordic’s sustainability goals in the following years. These collaborative solutions are not exclusive to Nordic, leaving opportunity for development of community wide initiatives and creating a cycle of sustainability improvements that can be adopted over the years. Sponsorship of these initiatives can be borne by Nordic up to an annual limit and can be combined with matching funds and sponsorships from various sources. At a minimum Nordic will provide $25,000 annually to an appropriate community project.
Below is a letter that 350 Humboldt signed along with many local environmental groups. There are links between herbicides and greenhouse gas emissions, but the toxicity is a more immediate problem as is our concern that landowners have clear rights to approve or disapprove.