Please tell the Supervisors to Vote NO on the North McKay
Subdivision project. The EIR found greenhouse gas emissions and fire
hazard were significant environmental hazards that could not be
mitigated. A Public Hearing is at 1:30 pm Tuesday. Zoom or in person: Or email a comment to [email protected]


California–and the Biden administration–have an ambitious plan to save 30 percent of our land and waters by 2030. Read the story to see where CA stands and let us all know your thoughts by tweeting: @wade.crowfoot, @gavinnewsom

Read the whole story at To sign-up for email updates, email [email protected] with “NBS” in the subject line. Visit for more information or to sign up for a workshop with the Department of Natural Resources.


350 Silicon Valley and the Climate Reality Project California Coalition are teaming up to present a highly interactive remote training for legislation/policy advocates in California, next Saturday, March 12, 2022 from 1-5 pm.

Sign up for a fun training then join the 350 Humboldt Legislative Committee. [Email Dan at [email protected]]

Sign up to join our March 9 legislation/policy training, over Zoom


Write letters and sign petitions on your own or join the 350 Humboldt “chat and write” letter-writing group Sunday evenings at 7pm. Here is the zoom link:

A.   Here are some petitions to sign and letters to write. It won’t take more than a few minutes and every action we take counts in the climate crisis. Below the petitions are opportunities to write postcards to voters in important elections.

Stop the Money Pipeline

Since 2009, Gazprom has used its supply of fossil fuels as a bludgeon to threaten Ukraine, cutting off the country’s supply of gas on numerous occasions. And you know who is funding Gazprom? JPMorgan Chase.

Can you send an email to JPMorgan Chase’s executives, board members, and CEO, demanding that they immediately cut all ties with Gazprom, the gas company that is fuelling the war on Ukraine?

If built, the Alaskan Conoco Phillips Willow project would allow the construction of up to 250 drilling wells, not to mention pipelines, roads, and a processing facility. The Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a 30-day public comment period on the project that closes on March 9. So we need to make our voices heard:

Will you submit a public comment urging the Biden Administration to stay true to their climate agenda and reject ConocoPhillips’ Willow project proposal?


Take it back. Org

While passenger vehicles have made great strides in electrification and Congress has allocated some money for new electric bus fleets, heavy duty trucks are regulated entirely separately and emission standards are much lower.

In fact, commercial heavy duty trucks alone are responsible for 24% of carbon emissions nationwide!

It’s time for the Biden administration to strengthen emissions requirements for heavy duty trucks, with a move toward fully electrifying them!


Last month, hundreds of people took the time to protest the expansion of the Line 5 tar sands pipeline through Wisconsin, uplifting the threat it poses to tribal treaty rights, local waterways, and the Great Lakes. Now, we must join them to call on the Biden Administration to reject Line 5’s permit to drill under White River which would devastate the water quality of Lake Superior.

Submit your comments before March 22: Tell the Biden administration to reject Line 5 and protect the Great Lakes from more fossil fuel pollution!


Our survey revealed our worst fears: that the bottle bill is broken and desperately needs overhauling. Shamefully, our investigation showed that almost half of the CA retailers required to take back containers refused to do so! Can you urge CalRecycle to crack down on retailers refusing to take back the packaging they sell.



There are some new postcard writing and letter writing opportunities. Check them out.


Our next postcarding campaign will be to Colorado voters ahead of their June 28th state primary!

We’ll be sending postcards to environmental voters who voted in the 2020 General Election, but are unlikely to vote in midterm elections based on their previous voting history. We expect to begin mailing out packages of postcards to signed-up volunteers beginning in late March, and the required “mail-to-voters” date for this round of postcards is on Monday, June 6th.

This sign up form is only for trained EVP postcarding volunteers. New postcarding volunteers should sign up for an orientation below.

If you have not already attended an EVP postcard training, please sign up for one of the 45 minute trainings below. We use very specific designs and messaging that are optimized to increase turnout, so we require all our postcarding volunteers to receive an EVP training before sending postcards.


Vote Forward’s first 2022 letter writing campaigns have arrived.

Why now? Starting early gives us time to write more letters and reach more voters. And with so much at stake, there’s no time to spare.

Start writing letters today by visiting your Vote Forward dashboard. Remember: Hold your letters until our mail date in late October. Letters mailed now will not work to boost voter turnout this fall.


Florida: Postcards and Letter Writing to Voters

Virtual Postcard Writing · Hosted by Broward for Progress (

Join us for Postcards to Voters. We’re writing to Florida voters and need your help! Last cycle we sent almost 100,000 postcards out. Will you join us? 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference!


From Activate America (Formerly Flip the West)

We are writing to likely Democrats in Wisconsin to let them know Democrats delivered on their promises with the new Infrastructure and Jobs Act. Wisconsin is widely considered to be the most vulnerable state in the Democrats’ “blue wall” for presidential elections. Then-candidate Joe Biden narrowly won the state in 2020 after Donald Trump won in 2016. But Republican Senator Ron Johnson is increasingly out of touch with reality.

Many voters do not pay attention to their elected officials’ voting records. Join Activate America (formerly Flip the West) as we write to Wisconsin voters and let them know how Johnson is voting against their interests.

You may also chose to write a similar message to voters in key CA congressional districts in Spanish or in English.


Here is Frederica describing what they are doing:

I am administering a postcarding network in Humboldt County (presently over 300 writers) and we supply postcards and stamps to writers, which are available for cost at several convenient pickup locations. Have anyone interested in joining us contact me. We mostly postcard for ROV (Reclaim Our Vote), which is non-partisan, but have also postcarded for Activate America (which used to be called Flip the West), which is partisan.

She can be reached at: [email protected]