Letter writing Sunday Nov 29, 7pm

The majority in the Senate—upon which most climate plans depend—will be decided by two run-off elections in Georgia. You can help by donating money, call banking, or writing letters – or any combination.

If you can afford to contribute, send money to:



Here is updated information for writing/calling to Georgia:

1.     Flip the West: https://www.flipthewest.com/calendar PHONE BANKING ONLY

2.     Democratic volunteer center: https://demvolctr.org/phonebanking-guide/ PHONE BANKING ONLY

3.     Sierra Club

Calls: https://www.mobilize.us/sierraclubbattleground/event/272291/

Letters: https://www.mobilize.us/sierraclubbattleground/event/285407/

4.     Vote Forward is out of addresses

5.     Frederica Aalto is coordinating a local effort to send Reclaim our Vote postcards. Email her for instructions at:  [email protected]

Please read on. There are several quick email or petition possibilities as well as letter targets.


Protest oil and gas leases in the Arctic


Kern County wells ordinance: Petition and letter to Newsom. Information at website. https://crpe-ej.org/stopkernoilordinance

350 Minnesota has asked us to sign a petition to help stop the “Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline.” More information at the website: https://act.350.org/sign/tell-biden-no-line-3/?source=em20201114-2-us&akid=135321%2E4400867%2E4Z59KO

Sign a petition advocating for who/what we want in the new carb chairperson


If you did not get a chance to write about both cap and trade and refrigerants here is that information again:

Write to urge Blumenfeld to undertake a full-scale and radical revision of California’s Cap and Trade program.

Jared Blumenfeld: Secretary for Environmental Protection 1001 I Street, P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812-2815

Here are two things you could ask for (provided by the 350 Humboldt Legislative Committee):

1.         Further climate justice by eliminating cap and trade barriers to local and industry-specific regulation. Environmental justice groups label cap and trade “pay to pollute,” with good reason. We must regulate pollution separately from emission of global warming gases. Regulatory agencies at every level must be free to reduce pollution.

2.         Increase the cost of an “allowance” for one tonne of CO2 equivalent emissions. It stands at $17 now. Current scientific calculations say it should be at $100 and increase annually. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/07/trump-epa-vastly-underestimating-the-cost-of-carbon-dioxide-pollution-to-society-new-research-finds/#:~:text=The%20latest%20research%20by%20an,to%20nearly%20%24600%20by%202100

Protest the new rules on refrigerants. Please see the CARB announcement of a hearing on the Global Warming Potential of refrigerants (mostly supermarkets) at: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CARB/bulletins/2a69ab5

What to ask for:

1.         Earlier company-wide implementation of low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants (earlier than 2030)

2.         Changing the 150 GWP standard to 10, by using “natural” refrigerants like carbon dioxide

3.         Heavy fines for leaked refrigerants (according to the EPA supermarkets leak 25% each year; CARB data for Humboldt show about 14%, but that comes out to about 8% of all Humboldt greenhouse gas emissions); combined with more incentive money (there is only $1 million now) for installing natural refrigerants. [Natural refrigerants are used to a much greater extent in Europe and Japan than here.]