Join us in writing letters to voters in Georgia.
We have a letter-writing party every Sunday at 7pm. Join us or write on your own.
Zoom link (details at end):
As we all know, the majority in the Senate—upon which most climate plans depend—will be decided by two run-off elections in Georgia. You can help by donating money, call banking, or writing letters – or any combination.
If you can afford to contribute, send money to:
Here is updated information for writing/calling to Georgia:
1. Flip the West: PHONE BANKING ONLY
2. Democratic volunteer center: PHONE BANKING ONLY
3. Sierra Club
4. Vote Forward:
5. Frederica Aalto is taking orders for for Reclaim our Vote postcards.” [email protected]
Please take the time to write the letter below to the BLM about arctic wildlife refuge oil leases. They are not accepting email comments, so our letters are what will make a difference.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the agency responsible for leasing on public lands, has entered the final phase of the process to hold a lease sale on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — with a lease sale expected as soon as January!
To make matters worse, BLM is refusing to accept any email comments on this destructive proposal threatening Indigenous sovereignty, struggling wildlife and our climate future — so let’s fill their mailbox!
Our team has a goal of writing and sending thousands of letters to oppose oil and gas leasing in the Arctic Refuge. Together we have the power to make an impact!
Get started: Writing your letter to BLM is easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Draft your letter, using sample language below
State Director, Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office,
222 West 7th Avenue, Mailstop 13
Anchorage, AK 99513-7504.
Dear State Director,
The recent “call for nominations” for leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, issued Nov. 17, presents numerous problems that require further analysis. The Arctic Refuge is one of the last truly untouched wildernesses of North America. Drilling in the Refuge will be remembered as one of the great environmental tragedies of the 21st century, as well as a violation of the most basic human rights of the Gwich’in people.
Every single tract that is under consideration for leasing contains sensitive habitat and resources that would be threatened by drilling. This includes habitat for threatened polar bears, countless bird species, and the Porcupine caribou herd, which the Gwich’in people rely on for their subsistence and culture. This rushed process has ignored concerns about threats to the Gwich’in people, threatened wildlife, and our climate.
Add your personalized message (Share your stories about the Refuge or use our handy talking points!)
I urge BLM to remove tracts #1 – #32, identified in the call for nominations, from consideration for leasing. The potential destruction of both the environment and culture are too great to move forward. No politician’s ego is worth this recklessness.
Thank you for your consideration,
<Add Your Name Here>
2. Address and stamp your envelope to Alaska BLM:
State Director, Bureau of Land Management,
Alaska State Office,
222 West 7th Ave, Mailstop 13,
Anchorage, AK 99513-7504.
Fold and stuff your letter, seal, and your message is ready to mail — after step #3!
Please note:
- Mail your letter as soon as possible — make a plan to have your letter in the mail to Alaska BLM by Thursday 12/10 at the latest.
- Currently, stamps are 55 cents each. Please make sure that if you’re using an older non-Forever stamp, that your stamps will cover the current cost of postage.
After you mail — please take a moment to let us know your letter is headed to BLM. Fill out this short form — help us show government and corporate targets how deeply unpopular destructive Arctic Refuge leasing is!
If you have any questions that aren’t addressed here or you would like more information, please email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you!
Also please write a brief online comment to CARB about refrigerants (more detail is available on the email devoted to this sent on Saturday).
CARB considers action on refrigerants that contribute to global warming: Comment period ends Monday, December 7; hearing on December 10
Refrigerants are man-made chemicals that are not derived from fossil fuels, but can have extremely high global warming potential (GWP). For example, one pound of HFC-23 refrigerant, a commonly used successor to the mostly-banned refrigerants that destroy the ozone layer, can warm the atmosphere as much as 12,500 pounds of carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, the US EPA says the average supermarket’s refrigerators leak 25 percent a year, which might add up to 250,000 GWP per supermarket – and there are about 24,000 commercial refrigeration systems in California.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has been a leader in collecting data on refrigerant use and leaks and is now proposing new rules to limit refrigerants with high GWP. Fortunately there are “natural refrigerants” like ammonia and CO2 itself that have very low GWP. The proposed rules CARB is considering would require new supermarkets to use natural refrigerants, but existing stores would only need to reduce GWP per pound to 1,400 (1,400 times more potent than CO2). According to CARB’s staff report, this would result in about a 25% cut in emissions by 2030, but no further cuts after that time. This schedule obviously conflicts with the state’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2045.
What can you do?
Submit comments to CARB by midnight on December 7, or call in to the hearing on December 10. Tell the Board you strongly prefer “Alternative 1,” which would essentially convert the entire system of supermarket and other large refrigerators to natural refrigerants with a GWP of 10 or less. Tell them that Alternative 1 could be improved by adding incentives or tax breaks for stores in disadvantaged areas. See the full analysis of staff’s proposals and alternatives here. CARB must hear that the half-measure they are proposing should be dropped in favor of Alternative 1.
Submit comments to CARB by before midnight on December 7th (Monday) at:
For more information, email Dan Chandler ([email protected]), or see the written comments submitted by 350 Humboldt pasted below.
To comment verbally during the hearing, use the phone number (669) 900-6833 and the webinar ID 854 6767 9980
To comment in writing during the hearing: In lieu of physically submitting written comments at the Board Meeting, CARB will be accepting written comments submitted electronically for this board item.
The comment period will open no later than 9:00 a.m. the morning of the board meeting and will close when the Chair closes the item.
To view the hearing if you do not plan to comment, see the LIVE Webcast with Agenda or the Live Audio-Only Webcast
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