There are no get out the vote letter campaigns right now.
You can put into practice what you learned in February about how to write a letter to legislative committees, though.
Here are two bills you could do some quick research on and write to the committee that is about to hear them (look up on Leg Info: )
1. SB 233 (Skinner) zero emission vehicles bidirectional (350 Humboldt Legislative Team supports)
2. AB 673 (BENNET) – Hydrogen. Funds 1200 fueling stations, no requirement for green hydrogen. (350 Legislative Team opposes.)
If you want to do this, directions for how to establish an advocate account and send a letter are here:
The 350 Humboldt letters are here. Please use your own phrasing:
SB 233:
If you have questions come to our group meeting tonight.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 4304 5708
Passcode: 278308
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,86943045708# US (San Jose)
Right now, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has an opportunity to embed a climate test into federal agencies’ environmental review processes. The only problem? CEQ’s guidance isn’t strong enough to meet the urgency of the climate crisis. We have less than two weeks to urge CEQ to include the strongest possible version of a climate test. Send a pre-filled comment right now to ensure a safer climate future!
Public Citizen
Senator Ed Markey and Representative Ayanna Pressley have a plan to curb Wall Street’s recklessness: The Fossil Free Finance Act.
The bill would require the Big Banks to write and execute plans, enforceable by the Federal Reserve, to:
· stop financing new or expanded fossil fuel projects after 2023;
· cut their financing of greenhouse gas pollution by 50% by 2030;
· stop all financing of fossil fuels by 2050; and prioritize ending funding for projects that harm already-vulnerable communities.
Big banks that fail to meet these requirements could be fined or lose their deposit insurance.
The Fossil Free Finance Act is an important piece of action. The Big Banks must be required to take climate risks seriously; our financial system, economy, and communities depend on it.
Environmental Action
Every year, trees across the United States absorb 13% of our national carbon pollution.
As trees age, their annual rate of carbon accumulation increases. That makes mature and old-growth forests one of our best tools in the fight against climate change.1
The longer these trees stand, the more they will contribute to our fight against climate change. That’s why we’re calling on President Biden to permanently protect old-growth and mature trees on federal lands.
Send a message urging President Biden to save old-growth and mature trees.
A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is the solution the world needs right now to address the climate crisis with the scale and urgency that is required and is based around three principles:
- Ending Expansion – No new coal, oil or gas exploration or production
- A Fair Phase Out – An equitable, global phase out of existing fossil fuel production in line with our 1.5ºC climate target
- Just Transition – Support economic diversification and a renewable energy transition so that no community, country or worker is left behind
Already, a bloc of Pacific nations, the European Parliament, 80 cities and subnational governments, and thousands of scientists have joined the call for a global Fossil Fuel Treaty – and momentum is building. I believe that getting California on board before this year’s UN Climate Talks in Dubai will have massive ramifications on how quickly – and strongly – the world coalesces around a Fossil Fuel Treaty.
Bill McKibben
You can sign a petition asking state treasurers to do the right thing and back climate and indigenous rights in this spring’s round of shareholder meetings at big companies.