Lots of climate action is coming up this month and we know you’ll want to hear about it.
Our 350 Humboldt General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 20 at 6 PM at El Chipotle, 850 Crescent Way in Arcata (next to A to Z Eye Care). Our featured speaker will be longtime activist Larry Goldberg who will tell us how 350 California is organizing at the statewide level to reverse climate change. We’ll consider how our chapter can build on our individual voices to speak for a stable climate. We hope you can make it!
You can also lend your voice on Humboldt County’s plan to reduce climate change by joining a meeting on the Climate Action Plan, led by Civic Spark Climate Fellow Connor McGuigan. Meetings are scheduled on Wednesday, June 12, 6 PM at Azalea Hall in McKinleyville, and Tuesday, June 18, 6 PM at the Willow Creek Community Service District. The Arcata meeting, held in May, had 80 people in attendance!
Do you want to buy an electric car but feel unsure about the nuts and, uh, volts of this new technology? Redwood Coast Energy Authority presents a free workshop “How to Buy an Electric Vehicle” on Thursday, June 13 at 6:30 PM at the Eureka Chamber of Commerce, 612 G St. in Eureka. For more info, click here.
Now let’s look at what our lawmakers are doing in Sacramento. 350 Humboldt volunteer Wendy Ring tells us that a number of climate related bills are moving in the California Legislature. Here’s a sample: plant-based meals in schools, more EVs on the roads, reducing single-use plastic, studying a state retail carbon tax, clean up diesel trucks, protect pre-Trump environmental standards. Sound interesting? Summer is slow in Sacramento but the action will heat up soon and in the meantime we can make sure elected officials know our concerns. To join a group visiting legislators, just click here and indicate your areas of interest.
Speaking of Wendy Ring, she’s developed a podcast focused on stories of community-level climate action. Check it out at http://www.cool-solutions.org/.
Finally, Friday June 14 is the last day to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) on the proposed Humboldt Wind Energy Project west of Scotia. You can access the DEIR and addresses for comments at https://humboldtgov.org/2408/Humboldt-Wind-Energy-Project. Also, the Arcata-based group EPIC reviews some aspects of the 800+ page DEIR here.
We look forward to seeing you at our General Meeting on June 20 at 6 PM at El Chipotle!