You can’t be a climate activist and not be aware of the drum beat of challenging news about our rapidly changing climate (see this) and how it impacts people — particularly the poorest, youngest, and most vulnerable.

But this News Flash will focus on some good news we’ve noticed lately, of which there’s been quite a bit.

For one, in the coming years we’ll start seeing big trucks rolling down California highways — but they won’t be belching the usual plumes of diesel exhaust! EV trucks were mandated recently by the California Air Resources Board, which requires them to be phased in beginning in 2024. By 2045 all but light pickups will be electric.

Another flash of good news is PG&E’s decision to support an all-electric construction standard for new buildings. The nation’s largest investor-owned utility would like to get out of the risky business of supplying natural gas, and recommended the new standard as part of the California Energy Commission’s periodic update of building standards.

Remember the Stop the Money Pipeline? 350 Humboldt celebrated Earth Day by joining the campaign demanding that Wells Fargo, Citi, and others divest from fossil fuels. That message continues to gain steam in high places as the Vatican issued a religious statement, “Journeying Towards Care for Our Common Home,” calling on Catholics to divest from fossil fuels (the statement also seeks divestment from child labor, armaments, and abortion).

Another big success is the failure of multiple natural gas pipelines. In the past few weeks, pipelines have variously been abandoned by their backers in favor of offshore wind ( see this on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline), or halted by a Supreme Court ruling (an article covers Keystone XL’s misfortune). The Dakota Access Pipeline was stopped by a federal district court (see here), possibly costing retirement funds for California teachers and public workers $250 million in failed investments. Failed investments — isn’t that a good reason to divest?

Speaking of pipelines, even in Humboldt we could find ourselves sharing the neighborhood with one. Well, the extended neighborhood, that is. If built, the Jordan Cove Pipeline will cross Oregon to export natural gas to Asia from Coos Bay, crossing the Klamath and Rogue rivers and hundreds of smaller streams. Working to prevent that from happening is an alliance of groups suing to reverse a federal approval. They’re in need of funds to support the case, and if you can help, donate at

Help us achieve another climate success. Call (916) 651-4002) or email Senator Mike McGuire ([email protected]). Ask him to support AB 345, requiring that oil and gas drilling can’t operate within 2,500 feet of homes, childcare centers, schools, or hospitals. It’s a common-sense way to ensure that drilling doesn’t harm kids, the ill, and people who can’t just up and move when a drill rig arrives.

Finally, we hope to see you at 350 Humboldt’s upcoming General Meeting on Zoom, Thursday, July 16, at 6 PM. We’ll send an email with the meeting link next week.

Pat Carr for 350 Humboldt