Letter writing Sunday August 9th

Check the 350 Humboldt website for the Sunday night letter writing and other 350 Humboldt news: https://world.350.org/humboldt/upcoming-events/

There are fewer than 100 days left before the election, and letter writing will stop sometime in October. So we only have ten to ten twelve weeks to help convince millions of registered Democrats who are infrequent voters to vote in this election.

Turnout data from swing states in 2016 have established that just getting the same number of voters out in 2016 who voted for Obama in 2012 would have made the difference. Right now it looks like Biden is ahead enough that we don’t have to worry. But what if there is another “Swift Boat” attack or some other “October surprise?” Or what if people don’t vote because it’s a sure thing? Or what about the critical Senate races? So our letters could be what makes the difference.  Below is information about how to sign up with any of five different organizations. Please do it. An hour of your time for 10 weeks will really pay off.

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Sign up and get your letters ahead of time:  Anyone can sign up to write letters at Vote Forward(https://votefwd.org) and/or Sierra Club (https://www.sierraclubindependentaction.org/writing-climate-voters-letters).  Vote Forward gives them in packets of 20, Sierra Club in packets of 10. Vote Forward also has a postcard option (less expensive).

Two new organizations we just heard about both support postcards. The Reclaim Our VoteCampaign (https://actionnetwork.org/forms/reclaim-our-vote-signup) contacts likely Democratic voters of color in voter-suppression states like AL, AZ, GA, MS, NC, & TX. And Postcards To Voters (https://postcardstovoters.org) sends postcards to targeted Democratic voters. If you are artistic this is the group for you!

One other option is Postcards for Swing States at: [email protected] Minimum order is 200 but their messages are scientifically tested.

Cheaper Option

There is a project locally working on Reclaim our Vote that makes getting materials cheaper and easier by buying in bulk and packaging into lots of 30 for $11 including postage. The printed labels are also provided. Just makes it easier and less expensive for people. Contact Rebecca Stauffer at [email protected]

350 Humboldt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Letter writing party

Time: Aug 9, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

       Every week on Sun, until October 27, 2020,        Aug 9, 2020 07:00 P

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Meeting ID: 856 4387 4306

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Meeting ID: 856 4387 4306