Get a grip on the biggest environmental controversy in Humboldt. Is
biomass electricity clean energy? Is it carbon-neutral? Considering
that burning wood is dirtier than coal and emits more CO2, the
obvious answer seems to be “No.” Yet Redwood Energy Authority
says it is. That’s why they extended their contract with the
biomass plant in Scotia to 2031 after promising to supply us
with a hundred percent clean, renewable energy by 2025.
Humboldt says biomass electricity is terrible for the climate. The Humboldt Coalition for Clean Energy says it’s terrible for
the climate and our health. What do you think? Attend our
coalition’s presentation to get to the bottom of this controversy,
and find out how to join the
push to clean up Humboldt’s energy supply.
presentation will answer these questions: What does burning wood do
to our health and our climate? How much does biomass electricity cost
and what would be better to spend $120 million local dollars on? Does
the biomass plant in Scotia prevent wildfires? If we don’t pay
Humboldt Sawmill Company to burn their mill waste, what could they do
with it?
presenter is Dr. Wendy Ring, a physician and public health
professional. To register for a Zoom presentation on February 12 at 7
PM, click here.
15 at 7 PM, click here.
27 at 7 PM, click here.
Thank you!
Hope to see you on one of those dates.
Walden for Humboldt Coalition for Clean Energy