Letter writing Sunday Dec 13, 7pm
As we all know, the majority in the Senate—upon which most climate plans depend—will be decided by two run-off elections in Georgia. You can help by donating money, call banking, or writing letters – or any combination.
If you can afford to contribute, send money to:
Here is updated information for writing/calling to Georgia:
1. Flip the West: https://www.flipthewest.com/calendar PHONE BANKING ONLY
2. Democratic volunteer center: https://demvolctr.org/phonebanking-guide/ PHONE BANKING ONLY
3. Sierra Club
Calls: https://www.mobilize.us/sierraclubbattleground/event/272291/
Letters: https://www.mobilize.us/sierraclubbattleground/event/285407/
4. Vote Forward: https://votefwd.org/posts/Georgia-Runoff-campaigns
5. In Humboldt County, Frederica Aalto is taking orders for economy Reclaim our Vote postcards.” [email protected]
6. Postcards to swing states: https://postcardstoswingstates.com/
7. Help get voters registered in Georgia! https://newgeorgiaproject.org/
8. Elevate Latino Organizing in Georgia. https://galeo.org/
As usual, we will have a letter-writing zoom party to chat while we write. Here is the information.
Join Zoom Meeting
Time: Dec 13, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sun, 13 occurrence(s)
Dec 13, 2020 07:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Meeting ID: 856 4387 4306
Passcode: 884953
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Other letters to write (on-line)
· We can all add our names to a 350.org petition calling on President Biden to halt Line 3 construction immediately: Click here to sign
· A second petition is from NRCD to the Canadian government which is funding the pipeline. Click here to sign
· Petition for natural gas in new buildings: Tell Governor Newsom to get gas out of new buildings (via Sierra Club) Click here:
· Stop the Money Pipeline has a request for signatures that will go to the JPMorgan Chase board, the CEOs of all of the major banks, as well as executives from BlackRock and Liberty Mutual. It asks that specific loans needed to finish Line 3 and the Keystone XL pipelines be denied. Click here