This is the first month of the 350 Humboldt new General Meeting day on the first Wednesday of the month, at 6 pm. We are hoping you can be there. This Wednesday we have poet Kate Hitt and Northcoast Environmental Center Director Caroline Griffith. Caroline will be bringing us up to date on what is happening with the Climate Action Plan for the County. [This week’s EcoNew Report Podcast also tackles the subject.]

Here is the Zoom link and below is a) how to register for a documentary film on forest conservation and b) the full agenda for Wednesday’s meeting:

350 Humboldt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: General Meeting on Wednesdays
Time: Nov 1, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 1526 0158
Passcode: 508231
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Meeting ID: 824 1526 0158

Film at Cal Poly Humboldt on forest management for conservation

Attend a free a screening of Beyond the Trees, an award winning documentary about how Pacific Forest Trust manages its many forest lands in order to conserve and restore old growth and counter global warming. Cal Poly campus, November 7, 5:30 to 7:30.

The Pacific Forest website is:

Interested people must register for the documentary. Here is the link for registration. It includes a trailer for the film.


Join Zoom Meeting

Facilitator: Nancy Ihara

Notes: Dan Chandler

Land Acknowledgement: 350 Humboldt would like to acknowledge that where we live and hold our meetings in Humboldt County is on unceded territory and the ancestral homeland of indigenous nations which include Tolowa, Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Wailaki, Wiyot, and Yurok.

We thank indigenous nations who have been caretakers of the land. Additionally, we recognize that the well-being of all people is bound up with that of indigenous peoples, and we must all take action on the climate.”

Therefore we will support the Yurok Tribal Court for their work in developing concrete ways to protect indigenous people, particularly women, in the context of offshore wind development.

1.         Poem: Kate Hitt

2.         Check-in: What reactions did Kate’s poem raise

3.         Presentation: Where we are with the CAP. Caroline Griffith on her discussion with other advocates and John Ford of the planning department and the follow-up at the Board.

4.         Teams updates

·      Book club – Deborah Dukes – 4th Monday of each month. In November we choose books for the next few months.

·      Action and Outreach – Nancy, Gail, Jamie, Jenifer, Emilie

·      Refrigerants. – Dan    Our response to CARB RFI

·      Plastics and transportation: Available through the new Climate Action California (Dan can hook you up to the CAC committees)

·      Offshore wind – Dan       Our letter on Chumash Marine Sanctuary

·      Biomass – Martha, Nancy, Wendy

·      Agricultural methane – Dan    Possibility of eliminating “avoided emission” boondoggle

·      Bus Adventures Team – Cathy