350 Humboldt: Grassroots Climate Action

General Meeting on Zoom, September 17, 2020

Facilitator: Pat Carr Notes: Dan Chandler

Check-in for members: (please, up to one minute each). What have you been doing toward protecting the climate at a time when we’re experiencing the direct impacts of climate change?

Brief announcements:

Starting September 27, meetings on Zoom will require use of a password, and we will occasionally use a waiting room for smaller committee meetings where that’s manageable

350 Humboldt will present Ciara Emery talking about her research on stakeholder views of local offshore wind development on Monday, Oct. 5 at 7 PM.

Monday, September 21, 4 PM webinar including Jared Huffman https://leadonclimate.org/

Discuss the climate pledge 350 Humboldt developed for candidates to elected office: Katy Gurin

This gives us the ability to endorse candidates.

350 Humboldt Committee Reports

Treasurer report: Pat Carr

Legislative: Mary Sanger and Valerie Gizinski will report on meetings with Rep. Huffman and Sen. McGuire to discuss climate priorities

Art Committee: Hayley Connors-Keith

Local: Pat Carr will report on status of VMT

If time, video from Vox on decarbonization will be shown via screen-share..


350 Silicon Valley has sent a letter that we want to make sure all 350 Humboldt members get. Please read and take action by clicking to send letters to Governor Newsom and to the Energy Commission

Last week, Governor Newsom seemed to really GET IT. “This is a climate damn emergency,” he declared, memorably. From reporter Rachel Becker’s article in CalMatters and on the Capitol Public Radio website:

California law already calls for 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2045, which Newsom called “nice” but “inadequate to meet the challenges to the state.” And in June, California EPA Secretary Jared Blumenfeld pledged to re-evaluate the state’s landmark cap-and-trade program.

“Across the entire spectrum, our goals are inadequate,” Newsom said. He vowed to accelerate efforts to decarbonize the economy, increase the number of electric vehicles on California’s roads, electrify transportation and green the state’s soil, industrial and agricultural policies….

“We have to step up our game. As we lead the nation in low carbon green growth, we’ll have to fast track our efforts.”

Let’s take this moment to hold Newsom to his stated goals and make some demands that he enact the policies that will make a difference. Click here to write a letter to the Governor demanding that his administration
  • Move up the deadline for SB 100’s goal of 100 percent clean electricity for our state to 2030 from 2045
  • Require that all passenger vehicles sold in California be electric by 2030
  • Accelerate building electrification: Ban new natural gas connections and begin a statewide retrofit program by 2030

And, please send comments to the California Energy Commission, which is evaluating opportunities to get to 100 percent by 2030. Send and email to Commission staff: [email protected].  Your message can be as simple as “I want to reach 100 percent clean energy by 2030.”

We know we must accomplish full electrification at some point, as our lives and our children’s lives depend on a full transition away from oil and gas. The question is, How Fast Can We Get There?

The answer is, Faster!