350 Humboldt: Grassroots Climate Action
General Meeting on Zoom, September 17, 2020
Facilitator: Pat Carr Notes: Dan Chandler
Check-in for members: (please, up to one minute each). What have you been doing toward protecting the climate at a time when we’re experiencing the direct impacts of climate change?
Brief announcements:
Starting September 27, meetings on Zoom will require use of a password, and we will occasionally use a waiting room for smaller committee meetings where that’s manageable
350 Humboldt will present Ciara Emery talking about her research on stakeholder views of local offshore wind development on Monday, Oct. 5 at 7 PM.
Monday, September 21, 4 PM webinar including Jared Huffman https://leadonclimate.org/
Discuss the climate pledge 350 Humboldt developed for candidates to elected office: Katy Gurin
This gives us the ability to endorse candidates.
350 Humboldt Committee Reports
Treasurer report: Pat Carr
Legislative: Mary Sanger and Valerie Gizinski will report on meetings with Rep. Huffman and Sen. McGuire to discuss climate priorities
Art Committee: Hayley Connors-Keith
Local: Pat Carr will report on status of VMT
If time, video from Vox on decarbonization will be shown via screen-share..
350 Silicon Valley has sent a letter that we want to make sure all 350 Humboldt members get. Please read and take action by clicking to send letters to Governor Newsom and to the Energy Commission