350 Humboldt General Meeting rescheduled to 6pm this Thursday, November 18.

Because of the holidays, 350 Humboldt’s General Meeting will be on the third Thursday this month and in December.

Highlights of this month’s meeting:

John Holper, Eureka Poet Laureate, will read Tulawat Island. (You can also buy hand-printed copies from John.)

We will discuss how we would like Humboldt County’s new citizen panel on climate to be structured, who should be on it, and the goal of representing future generations.

Zoom Link:


Also on Thursday: First person account of what COP26 accomplished with state Senator Josh Becker

Dear Friends,

I’ve just returned from the COP26 Climate Change Conference and I am inviting you to join me for a recap and discussion next week at a virtual Town Hall.

I was honored to represent you and our state on the global stage! It was an amazing and impactful experience, both powerful and informative engaging in conversations with leaders from California, the United States, and around the world. I am excited to share more with you next week.

A Virtual Town Hall

“COP26: What Happened and What it Means for California and the World”
Thursday, November 18
12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Please click here to RSVP