Every year in Humboldt County, more and more people are killed while walking and biking on public streets. This is happening just at the time when the climate crisis requires that we get out of our cars and walk and bike more. And just like the climate crisis, the street safety crisis is widespread and growing but doesn’t affect everyone equally. The Street Project tells the story of the ongoing disaster on our streets and some of the people who are fighting to make those streets safer. Locally, the leading group working on these issues is the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP).
Four years in the making, The Street Project looks at how we got here, including the history of street use and how it has changed, what makes effective street design, how the automobile changed the way we use our streets, the misguided use of victim blaming (jaywalking), the impact of zoning laws on street transportation, and much more.
Bicycling and pedestrian fatalities in the United States are skyrocketing. The National Safety Council reports that 1,260 bicyclists were killed in 2020, an increase of 16% from 2019 and an increase of 44% over the past 10 years. According to estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration just released in May, cycling fatalities rose another 5% in 2021. The rate of Humboldt County pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities is consistently higher than national and state numbers.
On November 30 a new documentary screened via Zoom, will highlight the global, citizen-led fight to make our streets safer: The Street Project. Created by the multiple Emmy-winning team at Boyd Productions, The Street Project takes viewers across the globe in an uplifting narrative, from cycling-friendly meccas in Europe, to New York City and Phoenix, Arizona – one of the most dangerous cities in America for pedestrians – for a deep dive into how America views our streets and how they can be made safer.
“America’s streets started out as bicycle and pedestrian friendly, however, the advent of the car-culture changed everything,” said the film’s Director/Executive Producer Jennifer Boyd. “More recently, we have experienced a reawakening of sorts, due to the massive spike in fatalities, the pandemic lockdowns that forced our communities to rethink how they use their streets, as well as the passing of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which makes the safety of all users, including cyclists and pedestrians, a priority. We created The Street Project to raise awareness that cars, pedestrians, and cyclists can coexist, and that we need to examine our history so we can create a future with better alternatives.”
350 Humboldt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: The Street Project movie
Time: Nov 30, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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