COP26 Rally- Global Day of Action for Climate Justice, Saturday November 6th
On November 6th, 350 Humboldt and allies are sponsoring an event called Global Day of Action for Climate Justice outside the Humboldt County Courthouse from 1-2pm. This is part of a coordinated effort to bring movements together to build power for system change. World leaders will be meeting in Glasgow starting on October 31 at the global climate talks, COP26. The next two weeks are momentous for climate advocacy around the world. The decisions made at COP26 will shape how the governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis.
Next week we will be sending out guidelines and resources for the demonstration. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions. Here’s the link to the Facebook event page to share as well. We hope to see you there!
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We hope you will join 350 Humboldt members at our General Meeting this Thursday the 28th of October at 6PM. Gary Payton is the featured speaker for the evening. Gary will briefly talk about COP21 and the Paris Agreement, move into the issues/important challenges of COP26, and have a Q & A discussion.
Here is the zoom link:
Meeting ID: 843 7055 4552
Passcode: 527176
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,84370554552# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
The full agenda is below. It includes approval of decision-making procedures for our meetings and committees.
350 Humboldt General Meeting
October 28, 2021, 6pm
Facilitator: Hayley Connors-Keith
Notes: Diane Ryerson
1. Land Acknowledgement – Hayley
2. What is COP26 and its importance? SkyNews COP26 video.
Checkin: What are your hopes for the COP26? Do you have specific questions about it.
3. Featured speaker: Gary Payton, presentation and discussion on COP26
A climate activist based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Gary Payton is the Research and Technical Advisor for the Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico. A credentialed attendee of COP21 in 2015, he engaged with members of nation state negotiating teams, global NGOs, and international climate activists. Before, during, after the conference he shared the story of the Paris Agreement in articles and presentations. Currently, he is preparing an NGO delegation for their participation in COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Inspired by Bill McKibben’s “Do the Math” tour in 2021, Gary has been a leader in fossil fuel divestment campaigns, the successful opposition of coal export terminals in the Pacific Northwest, and advancing climate action legislation in the New Mexico legislature.
4. November 6 rally in support of significant actions at COP26
5. 350 Humboldt governance:
· More discussion of a new draft of decision making and structure to be discussed and adopted tonight: setting a quorum for general meetings of 10 persons. Committees set their own quorum for when a vote is necessary. Steering Committee needs three. See the proposed text at the end of the agenda.
· Introduction of steering committee. You are welcome to attend meetings with issues you want discussed or just to see what happens.
6. Committee reports
· CAP/local – Pat
· Book club – Deborah
· Legislative – Dan
· Offshore wind – Mary
· Art committee – Hayley
7. Announcements and general feedback
· We are still looking for an ad hoc group to plan the speaker series and talks at general meetings. Please email Dan if interested: [email protected]
· We are looking for another steering committee member.
8. Poem: Another selection from 40 Quarantine Poems from Humboldt County. Randy selected and will read the poem.
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350 Humboldt Structure and Decision Making governance document:
General meetings
· General meetings are used to present relevant information by means of invited guests, to plan campaigns, to hear committee reports and recruit committee members, and to make announcements of general interest.
· Decision-making:
- Final decision on choice of campaigns need to be approved by the general meeting
- Ordinarily decisions are by consensus. If there is disagreement, time will be taken to try to resolve it. If the disagreement does not seem immediately resolvable, or a method cannot be agreed on that could resolve it, the moderator (a steering committee member) can call for a vote to be decided by the majority of eligible members.
- Only those who have attended at least two general meetings in the last six months are eligible to vote.
- A quorum of ten is required for decisions made in the general meeting.
Steering committee
· Steering committee members meet at least twice between monthly general meetings. These meetings are held the first and second week of each month. On the second meeting, the steering committee finalizes the agenda for the general meeting, chooses a moderator from among steering committee members, and designates a note-taker
· Steering committee members also respond to some questions that arise between meetings, such as approving signing on the multi-organization petitions or responding to calls for quick action.
· The steering committee shall ordinarily be between three and five members.
· Steering committee members have access to the Zoom account and to the ActionNetwork account, to the 350Humboldt email account, to our social media accounts and our website.
· The steering committee decides which committees to have and identifies a lead person for each. The committees themselves have a large role in determining their structure and ways of operating.
· How steering committee are members chosen:
o People can volunteer or may be asked to join by other steering committee members
o In general, steering committee members are the chairpersons of a 350 Humboldt committee or at least active on a committee. Ideally, the steering committee would be comprised of all committee chairs.
· Anyone may attend a steering committee meeting to observe. Any member may suggest a topic for discussion by the steering committee. Ordinarily this must be requested in advance by asking a steering committee member to put it on the agenda.
· Ordinarily steering committee decisions are by consensus. If there is disagreement, time will be taken to try to resolve it. If the disagreement does not seem resolvable, or a method cannot be agreed upon that might resolve it in a reasonable time frame, decisions are made by majority vote of the steering committee. Decisions on campaigns or money questions must be made by at least three steering committee members.
Treasurer: maintains the 350 Humboldt bank account, manages donations, and disburses funds. A majority of the steering committee must approve of expenditures.
· Committees may vary in focus and number depending on the need. Currently, we have a Legislative Committee, a Climate Action Plan Committee, an Art Committee, a Offshore Wind Committee, and a Book Club.
· Chairpersons need to either be a member of the steering committee or keep the steering committee apprised of any actions that might involve or reflect upon 350 Humboldt. For example, letters signed using the 350 name or logo, or public actions.
· Ordinarily decisions are by consensus. If there is disagreement, time will be taken to try to resolve it. If the disagreement does not seem resolvable, or a method cannot be agreed upon that might resolve it in a reasonable time frame, decisions are made by majority vote of those present.