350 Humboldt steering committee member Laura Simpson recommends watching the webinar Code Red for Humanity, What Municipality’s Can Do . She says: “It was excellent with presentations from a scientist who worked with the inter-governmental panel on climate change and Saul Griffith, who has written a book on electrifying everything. Because it’s recorded you can skip through the parts that don’t interest you and only listen to those speakers to do interest you.” Here is the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7qiDsP9_-44
Before it took place we suggested you contact your local city council members to invite them to attend. Now Laura suggests that we contact them again to ask if they were able to make it and if not suggest they watch the video.
Here is a message from the sponsors of the webinar about resources and a second webinar:
Write letters and sign petitions on your own or join the 350 Humboldt “chat and write” letter-writing group Sunday evenings at 7pm. Here is the zoom link:
A. Here are some petitions to sign and letters to write. It won’t take more than a few minutes and every action we take counts in the climate crisis. Below the petitions are opportunities to write postcards to voters in important elections.
Maybe separate letters to Pres. Biden and First Lady Jill Biden on coal leasing on public lands will help.
We will keep up the pressure on her and on all senators to stand on the right side of history and do what it takes to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act (this is a new bill which combines the Freedom to Vote Act with the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in a strategic move to force debate in the Senate. If this seems confusing, recognize that our Democratic Senators are having to get creative to overcome Republican obstruction and whatever it is Senators Sinema and Manchin are doing).
Send a message now, and tell your senators to keep fighting for the freedom to vote!
A bombshell report has just revealed how the French insurer has been finding gaps in its own “green” fossil fuel policy — to insure exploratory oil and gas operations in what’s been called “the Great Amazon Reef”.
You helped force AXA to adopt its landmark oil and gas policy last year. But it appears their policy is still far too weak, too flimsy, and hypocritical, leaving the door open for more climate-killing oil and gas exploitation.
Nightmare oil expansion can’t go ahead without insurance. If we raise a huge, global outcry today — we can call out AXA’s climate hypocrisy, and make oil and gas drilling in places like the Amazon totally uninsurable.
AXA: honor your self-proclaimed climate leadership. Stop all new oil and gas expansion!
AXA was hailed as a leader on climate at COP26 last year when it adopted its new progressive oil and gas policy. Nevertheless, hidden beneath the waters of Brazil’s western Amazonian coast, the insurer is continuing to insure dirty fossil fuel companies who are intent on ravaging precious ecosystems for petrodollar profits.
Unless the public speaks out in protest, a 211-mile industrial road will be bulldozed through interior Alaska — ripping through one of the largest wild areas in North America, including Gates of the Arctic National Park.
Stop this travesty: Urge the Biden administration to halt the Ambler Road.
The project, which will build across 2,900 streams and permanently destroy 1,400 acres of wetlands, was illegally pushed through in the final days of the Trump administration.
350 SV
The California legislature has a real opportunity to get breakthrough regulation of single-use plastic on the course to success. Your help is urgently needed!
SB 54 is an ambitious bill that would prevent producers from offering, selling, distributing, or importing into the state single-use plastic packaging and food service ware made after January 1, 2032, except for recyclable and compostable plastic. To read more about this bill, click here.
Nearly every new piece of plastic begins as natural gas, and the fossil fuel industry is using plastics as a way to fund the guzzling of natural gas, intensifying climate change. The manufacture of four plastic bottles releases the equivalent GHG emissions of driving one mile in a car, and the U.S. burns six times more plastics than it recycles.
We’re thrilled to announce that the Environmental Voter Project has officially launched a new volunteer postcarding program!
We’ll be sending postcards to environmentalists in Tempe, AZ who voted in 2020 but are unlikely to vote in their March 8th city primary election.
Virtual Postcard Writing · Hosted by Broward for Progress (browardforprogress.org)
Join us for Postcards to Voters. We’re writing to Florida voters and need your help! Last cycle we sent almost 100,000 postcards out. Will you join us? 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference!
From Activate America (Formerly Flip the West)
We are writing to likely Democrats in Wisconsin to let them know Democrats delivered on their promises with the new Infrastructure and Jobs Act. Wisconsin is widely considered to be the most vulnerable state in the Democrats’ “blue wall” for presidential elections. Then-candidate Joe Biden narrowly won the state in 2020 after Donald Trump won in 2016. But Republican Senator Ron Johnson is increasingly out of touch with reality.
Many voters do not pay attention to their elected officials’ voting records. Join Activate America (formerly Flip the West) as we write to Wisconsin voters and let them know how Johnson is voting against their interests.
You may also chose to write a similar message to voters in key CA congressional districts in Spanish or in English.
Write postcards to first-time voters in ten states with key Senate races in 2022. Help us make sure Democrats stay engaged and make voting a habit in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
We’ll send you postcards, addresses and instructions. You provide stamps and mail the cards to voters before the Jan. 7, 2022 deadline.
Voters who receive handwritten postcards are significantly more likely to vote. In 2020, our volunteers sent 21 million postcards to voters in 14 swing states, and we saw incredible results!
Postcards to Swing States is a project of Progressive Turnout Project. For more information, visit us at turnoutpac.org/postcards or send us an email.
Here is Frederica describes what they are doing:
I am administering a postcarding network in Humboldt County (presently over 300 writers) and we supply postcards and stamps to writers, which are available for cost at several convenient pickup locations. Have anyone interested in joining us contact me. We mostly postcard for ROV (Reclaim Our Vote), which is non-partisan, but have also postcarded for Activate America (which used to be called Flip the West), which is partisan.
She can be reached at: [email protected]