We hope you can come Thursday at 6pm for our 350 Humboldt general meeting. Poet Pat McCutcheon will join us, we’ll have a couple of very short funny movies, a discussion of Proposition 30, a report on two Arkley subdivision proposals and more. Here is the Zoom link.



The Wilderness Society

The proposed Ambler road would cut through 211 miles of northwestern Alaska, threatening fisheries and Western Arctic caribou that are important to Alaska Native communities. Key bird habitat would be in the line of fire, too. And the road would enable the development of hard-rock mines that history suggests are likely to spill hazardous waste materials into the surrounding environment.

Between now and Nov. 4, please take a moment to tell the Biden administration: The Ambler mining road is a threat to communities and wildlife!

Thank you,

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It is too late to write letters to midterm voters. But it’s not too late to join the many phone banking opportunities. Here is a list of a few of them:

350 Humboldt has a group of devoted letter and postcard writers. Join us for tips and conversation while you write. 7 pm every Sunday evening on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86943045708?pwd=clVqWVJZNEFQSVl0QWd6VCtOZGtWZz09

After the election we will go back to letter-writing.