This is a heads up to let you know we will be meeting in person at our Thursday May 25th meeting at 6 pm.
An agenda and more details will be emailed closer to our meeting date. Here is information about our meeting place.
Where: The Gazebo in Larson Park. Directions are here (from the library at Cal Poly Humboldt). Quick version: Take Sunset from Highway 101 one block, past the skate park. Turn right at first street at the traffic circle (Jay St.). Turn right at end of street in one block (onto Eye St.). Turn right at end of street where the tennis courts and parking lot are. The Gazebo is past the tennis courts. There is a porta potty near the tennis courts and playground for kids.
What to bring: a folding chair. For some reason there is no seating in the Gazebo. Also, you may want to combine the inperson meeting with a picnic. There are picnic tables nearby or you can munch while we talk.
Please save the date. More information on the 23rd.
350 Humboldt Steering Committee