Next Wednesday will be the the first opportunity for the public to discuss the proposed EaRTH center, and it is important to show support for this project at this early stage. The City is already receiving push back from those concerned about a loss of parking in downtown Eureka. Of course, this criticism misses the point: the project would allow more people to take the bus, bike, etc. to and from Eureka’s downtown rather than driving personal vehicles, thus reducing the need for parking in the first place. In addition to helping meet the climate goals set forth in the RCEA’s RePower Plan for Energy and HCOAG’s Regional Transportation Plan, the Center’s design aligns with the City General Plan, the imagine Humboldt! plan, and state plans. It supports anticipated Cal Poly Humboldt growth, and includes below market workforce housing that will count towards the City’s housing targets.
In Community,
350 Humboldt