The City of Eureka is holding a special CIty Council meeting on February 9th at 6pm to discuss the proposed EaRTH Center, a climate future focused regional transit and housing center that would be located in Downtown Eureka. The EaRTH Center is exactly the kind of transit-oriented development that our community needs in order to hit regional climate targets and shift our transportation systems toward healthier, more sustainable active and public transit modes. The design is pretty darn exciting, including things like zero emission busses, below-market workforce housing, solar panels, bike storage, bike and carshare, and much more. You can find out more about the center in this flyer.

Next Wednesday will be the the first opportunity for the public to discuss the proposed EaRTH center, and it is important to show support for this project at this early stage. The City is already receiving push back from those concerned about a loss of parking in downtown Eureka. Of course, this criticism misses the point: the project would allow more people to take the bus, bike, etc. to and from Eureka’s downtown rather than driving personal vehicles, thus reducing the need for parking in the first place. In addition to helping meet the climate goals set forth in the RCEA’s RePower Plan for Energy and HCOAG’s Regional Transportation Plan, the Center’s design aligns with the City General Plan, the imagine Humboldt! plan, and state plans. It supports anticipated Cal Poly Humboldt growth, and includes below market workforce housing that will count towards the City’s housing targets.

This meeting will be conducted both on Zoom and in-person, and it begins at 6 PM in the Council Chambers. You can join by opening Zoom, clicking on “Join Meeting” in the upper right hand corner, and entering the meeting ID (820 1614 9675), and passcode (503858). You can also find a QR code and additional details in the flyer.
Please attend if you can, and let the council know that you support this project. We need less parking and more transit-oriented development in order to curb climate change and protect public health and safety!

In Community,

350 Humboldt