The Outreach and Action Committee of 350 Humboldt is staging an action Friday, September 29, between 4PM and 5:30PM to draw attention to the coming sea level rise that will engulf Highway 101 during high tides, King tides and floods.

We will be standing near the entrance to the KOA campground going north with signs, in the style of the old Burma shave signs. (There is parking near the entrance.)

Please join us.  If you have a life jacket, mask and snorkel, bring them as part of our statement.

Sea level rise projections after 2050 differ greatly depending on how much and how quickly we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. With high emissions, we are looking at 7 feet of sea level rise in Humboldt Bay by 2100. So how much we will have to adapt is still very much in our hands.

Here are some suggestions for signs to supplement the Burma Shave linked messages:

• End fossil fuels!

• It’s not too late – yet!

• “Chevron Canal 2060”

• Elect Climate Warriors!

We hope to see you there,

350 Humboldt Outreach and Action Team

Picture is 9.8 feet record flooding in 2005. With two feet of sea level (expected by 2045) this level is exceeded once a month. In 2060, with three feet, it will be exceeded daily.

Looking for more information?

2022 Humboldt County report on adaptation measures:—with-appendices?bidId=

Instructive presentation to Arcata City Council by several experts including Aldaran Laird: