Arcata residents. Please join Joanne McGarry at the City Council meeting tonight.

Dan Chandler, 350 Humboldt Steering Committee


Hi, everyone on this email. I just joined this substack called Distilled and the author made this great visual video of his report on the dangerous level of harmful gases emitted by gas stoves. I have been using an electric burner on a cookie sheet to place over the gas burners to cook. Rarely use gas in my rental flat although the water heater and washer and dryer use gas and, since I am not the landlord, my ability to change that is difficult. I share this video because many people will not read about how dangerous for our health and the planet’s health continuing to use natural gas in our homes really is.

I am attending the Arcata City Council meeting tonight. Last meeting they rejected the appeal of tenants of a Strombeck property that is building new units at Westwood Apartments on Alliance that will STILL have gas water heaters and gas stoves. Appalling that our all women City Council is permitting that to happen. We need to show up at these meetings in person and let them know they can’t keep rubber stamping things for developers. They need to be the Climate Action Council.
Please come to the meetings. They are better than Netflix.

In peace with justice for people and the planet,

Joanne McGarry


City Council Meetings

Regular City Council meetings take place the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6 pm.

City Council meetings take place at City Hall Council Chamber located at 736 F Street in Arcata.

Special meetings are held as deemed necessary. All meetings, except closed sessions, are open and public pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act.

Meetings & Agendas


City Council meeting agendas are available to the public before the meeting takes place, and City Council meeting minutes are available following approval.

City Council agendas and minutes can be viewed in the Arcata Meeting Portal.

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City Council meetings can be watched live or viewed on demand with complete agendas, staff reports and other materials here.