This is a quick reminder that the 350 Humboldt General Meeting is tonight at 6 pm.

Here is the Zoom link

Full details after the agenda and before the draft decision-making governance document we will be voting on tonight.

The agenda is below:

350 Humboldt General Meeting September 23rd, 2021

1) Land Acknowledgement – Hayley

2) Poem. “Fairy Creek” composed and read by Hayley.

3) Announcements

Wendy Ring is our next guest on the Speaker Series, Monday October 4th, 7pm on Zoom. Please mark your calendars.

Health Benefits of Climate Action: They’re bigger than you think

Wendy Ring, M.D. looks at climate through the health lens, discussing local climate health impacts, the benefits of climate actions and how to communicate about them. We’ll also hear her perspective on the coal train threat.

Register at

4) Chat check-in: Please put one word in the chat describing how you are feeling about our warming world.

5) Guest speaker

Indigenous Focused Projects for Climate Justice

David Cobb is the featured speaker for the evening. David will be giving an overview of where Cooperation Humboldt and the Wiyot are collaborating: Dishgamu Humboldt (an Indigenous-led regenerative economic development project), Potter Valley dam removal from the Eel River, and Citizen Engagement with municipal governments. As we face the climate crisis, we acknowledge and respect the wisdom of indigenous ancestors and their descendants and seek cooperative actions to equitably reduce climate impacts for all.

Followed by discussion: How am I feeling about actions to address the climate crisis? How does what I have heard from David affect my understanding of what needs to be done?


1.         350 Humboldt governance:

·       Introduction of steering committee members. (Note you aare welcome to attend meetings with issues you want discussed or just to see what happens.)

·       Discussion of a new draft of decision making and structure to be discussed and adopted tonight.  See the proposed text at the end of the agenda.

·       After we have decided about the governance provisions, we will test them out by deciding whether to offer an annual contribution of $100 to the Wiyot Honor Tax Fund.

2.         Committee reports

·      CAP/local – Diane

·       Book club – Deborah Next meeting 4th Monday,27th of September

·      Legislative – Dan

·      Offshore wind – Mary

·       Art committee – Hayley

3.         Announcements and general feedback

·      The steering committee is still looking for an ad hoc group to plan the speaker series and talks at general meetings. Please email Dan if interested:  [email protected]

·      We are looking for another steering committee member.
Wendy Ring has developed a game about planning climate actions in Humboldt. She is beginning to have community get togethers to play the game, and will be getting it to teachers in classrooms   Email her for the time and place of a community game session:  [email protected]

Zoom detail:

Topic: 350 Humboldt General Meeting
Time: Sep 23, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
      Every month on the Fourth Thu, 17 occurrence(s)
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350 Humboldt Structure and Decision Making (for discussion and approval)

General meetings

·       General meetings are used to present relevant information by means of invited guests, to plan campaigns, to hear committee reports and recruit committee members, and to make announcements of general interest.

·       Decision-making:

    • Final decision on choice of campaigns need to be approved by the general meeting
    • Ordinarily decisions are by consensus. If there is disagreement, time will be taken to try to resolve it. If the disagreement does not seem immediately resolvable, or a method cannot be agreed on that could resolve it, the moderator (a steering committee member) can call for a vote to be decided by the majority of eligible members.
    • Only those who have attended at least one previous general meetings in the last six months are eligible to vote.

Steering committee

·       Steering committee members meet at least twice between monthly general meetings. These meetings are held the first and second week of each month. On the second meeting, the steering committee finalizes the agenda for the general meeting, chooses a moderator from among steering committee members, and designates a note-taker

·       Steering committee members also respond to some questions that arise between meetings, such as approving signing on the multi-organization petitions or responding to calls for quick action.

·       The steering committee shall ordinarily be between three and five members.

·       Steering committee members have access to the Zoom account and to the ActionNetwork account, to the 350Humboldt email account, to our social media accounts and our website.

·       The steering committee decides which committees to have and identifies a lead person for each. The committees themselves have a large role in determining their structure and ways of operating.

·       How steering committee are members chosen:

o   People can volunteer or may be asked to join by other steering committee members

o   In general Preferably,  steering committee members are the chairpersons of a 350 Humboldt committee or at least active on a committee. Ideally, the steering committee would be comprised of all committee chairs.

·       Anyone may attend a steering committee meeting to observe. Any member may suggest a topic for discussion by the steering committee. Ordinarily this must be requested in advance by asking a steering committee member to put it on the agenda.

·       Ordinarily steering committee decisions are by consensus. If there is disagreement, time will be taken to try to resolve it. If the disagreement does not seem resolvable, or a method cannot be agreed upon that might resolve it in a reasonable time frame, decisions are made by majority vote of the steering committee. Decisions on campaigns or money questions must be made by at least three steering committee members.


Treasurer: maintains the 350 Humboldt bank account, manages donations, and disburses funds. A majority of the steering committee must approve of expenditures.



·      Committees may vary in focus and number depending on the need. Currently, we have a Legislative Committee, a Climate Action Plan Committee, an Art Committee, a Offshore Wind Committee, and a Book Club.

·      Chairpersons need to either be a member of the steering committee or keep the steering committee apprised of any actions that might involve or reflect upon 350 Humboldt. For example, letters signed using the 350 name or logo, or public actions.

·      Ordinarily decisions are by consensus. If there is disagreement, time will be taken to try to resolve it. If the disagreement does not seem resolvable, or a method cannot be agreed upon that might resolve it in a reasonable time frame, decisions are made by majority vote of those present.