We hope you will join local climate activists for 350 Humboldt’s General Meeting on Thursday, February 25, at 6 PM, on Zoom:
We’ll be discussing a number of actions we can all take toward reducing climate change. A complete agenda is below!
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350 Humboldt General Meeting February 25, 2021
1. Land Acknowledgment- Hayley
350 Humboldt would like to acknowledge that where we live and hold our meetings in Humboldt County is on unceded territory and ancestral homeland of indigenous nations which include Tolowa, Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Wailaki, Wiyot, and Yurok.
We thank indigenous nations who have been caretakers of the land. Additionally, we recognize that the well-being of all people is bound up with that of indigenous peoples, and we must all take action on the climate.
This acknowledgement compels us to take action by supporting the Anishinaabe peoples to resist the Line 3 Pipeline that is designed to carry tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. On March 31, dozens of banks will decide whether or not to renew a $2.2 billion loan to Enbridge (the company behind the toxic pipeline). We encourage you to tell banks to defund Line 3 by signing this direct email here.
2. Poem: Amanda Gorman, presented by Cathy Chandler-Klein https://kottke.org/21/01/earthrise-a-poem-about-climate-change-by-amanda-gorman?
3. Introduction of Steering Committee members: Katy Gurin, Pat Carr, Hayley Connors-Keith, Dan Chandler
4. Check-in done in break out groups:
i. What are our reactions to the Amanda Gorman poem?
ii. How are we feeling about the Biden administration’s actions so far?
5. Featured presentation: John Schaefer, Ph.D. on using the En-Roads global climate simulator
6. Issue Presentation: Hatchery Road Solar Project- Mary
7. Brief update on the New Jordan Cove decision
8. Committee Reports:
Art & Community: Hayley
Legislative/National/Regional: Dan
Off-shore wind: Mary
Book club: Deborah
Letter-writing party: Dan
Treasure Report: Pat
9. Announcements, questions and comments
********ZOOM DETAIL********
350 Humboldt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 350 Humboldt General Meeting
Time: Feb 25, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Fourth Thu, until Jul 22, 2021, 6 occurrence(s)
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